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We have made a migration tool for you to migrate your project from Element UI to Element Plus. You can find the gogo code migration tool here. We have tested this on Vue Element Admin. You can find the transpiled code here. Playground You can also try Element Plus out with the componen...
空床对虚牖,不觉尘埃厚释义 【空床】指独宿的卧具。亦比喻无偶独居。《古诗十九首·青青河畔草》:“昔为倡家女,今为荡子妇;荡子行不归,空牀难独守。”三国魏曹丕《离居赋》:“惟离居之可悲,廓独处於空牀。”晋张华《情诗》之一:“佳人处遐远,兰室无容光,襟怀拥虚景,轻衾覆空牀。”宋曾巩《秋夜》...
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