Chen Anmin, born in 1952, now the professor of Orthopedics and a supervisor of doctoral program, graduated from Hubei Medical University in 1979. After having worked as a residence surgeon in the Second Hospital Affiliated to Hubei Medical University, he went to Tongji Medical中德临床肿瘤学杂志(...
现任管理与咨询研究所所长,湖北省地方行政与公共管理研究中心常务理事,中国行政管理教学研究会理事。曾任中国地质大学管理学院院长。主要从事教育管理和行政管理的教学法与科研工作。先后主编专著5部,主持科研课 讲师简介: 中国讲师网签约讲师 现任管理与咨询研究所所长,湖北省地方行政与公共管理研究中心常务理事,中国行政管...
豪记唱片 林姗《想起父母时》(闽南语) DTS 充满韵味和浓郁地域特色《闽南语·迷魂歌》 WAV 《闽南语经典篇》UPDTS-WAV分轨 WAV 闽南语 林玉英《女人心.想厝的人》UPDTS-WAV分轨 WAV 戴梅君-发烧大碟《女神降临》闽南语+国语[WAV+CUE] WAV 邓丽君《轰动闽南语歌曲》1971海山专辑[正版原抓WAV+CUE] WAV ...
临床经验Chen Anmin, born in 1952, now the professor of Orthopedics and a supervisor of doctoral program, graduated from Hubei Medical University in 1979. After having worked as a residence surgeon in the Second Hospital Affiliated to Hubei Medical University, he went to Tongji...
摘要: Chen Anmin, born in 1952, now the professor of Orthopedics and a supervisor of doctoral program, graduated from Hubei Medical University in 1979. After having worked as a residence surgeon in the Second Hospital Affiliated to Hubei Medical University, he went to Tongji Medical...
Professor Dr. Chen Anmin voted in as the new president of Chinese German Society of Medicine 《中德临床肿瘤学杂志》专业期刊医学期刊期刊质量无中德临床肿瘤学杂志(英文版)
陈安民授课费用:面议 常驻地:北京市-北京 性别:男 擅长领域:战略投资、 助理手机:18611753046 陈安民讲师简介 中国讲师网签约讲师 现任管理与咨询研究所所长,湖北省地方行政与公共管理研究中心常务理事,中国行政管理教学研究会理事。曾任中国地质大学管理学院院长。主要从事教育管理和行政管理的教学法与科研工作。先后主编专...