KevinLau8219 / simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch keyu-tian / FRCNN-simple-implementation KGMSFT / simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch kingxueyuf / simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch KK1995KK / simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch kkk324 / simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch kkouba / simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch kmindspark...
AndroidManifest.xml open source KevinCalculator Oct 24, 2014 KevinCalculator.apk open source KevinCalculator Oct 24, 2014 change des Oct 27, 2014 pic1.png add project description Oct 24, 2014 pic2.png add project description Oct 24, 2014 proguard-project.txt open source KevinCalculat...
Rynaa Grover, Yiyang Fan, Gabriel Poesia Reis e Silva, Linwei Xin, Yosi Kratish, Jakub Łucki, Wen-Ding Li, Justin Xu, Kevin Joseph Scaria, Freddie Vargus, Farzad Habibi, Long, Lian, Emanuele Rodolà, Jules Robins, Vincent Cheng, Declan Grabb, Ida Bosio, Tony Fruhauff, Ido Akov, ...
Beth Callaway 800.654.8824 or 417.862.5012 Ext. #1178 Zac Carter 800.654.9205 or 417.862.5012 Ext. #1171 APPLICATION ENGINEER Steve McDonald 800.654.8824 or 417.862.5012 Ext. #1142 HUMAN RESOURCES Kevin Dobson 800.654.8824 or 417.862.5012...
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INSERT INTO `book` VALUES ('Kevin Kelly', '2M53wTsyAo', 'P3IoQ6le0w', '2009-07-12 02:11:19', 406); INSERT INTO `book` VALUES ('Rhonda Cole', 'UElAE3yotT', 'KYHBoOFFvf', '2006-01-14 23:51:16', 407); INSERT INTO `book` VALUES ('Lui Ming', 'U2VxSWsdFo', '4YV...
Hsin-Liang Chen and Kevin L. Summers The purpose of this paper is to investigate the current video collection of an open-access video website (TED-Ed). The research ... Download Article Functionality Analysis of an Open Source Repository System: Current Practices ... Journal of Academic Lib... v0.0.0-20190725054713-01f96b0aa0cd/go.mod h1:CT57kijsi8u/K/BOFA39wgDQJ9CxiF4nAY/ojJ6r6mM= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:EZBBE59ingxPouuu3KfxchcWSUPOHkagtvWXihfKN4Q= v1.5.0/go.mod h1:pFxgyoBC7bSaBwPgf...
KevinMD Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine blog Davis Liu MD When the Patient Can't Afford the Care During my surgical training, I took care of a patient who could barely afford the dressing supplies I had prescribed for him. While caring for him, I realized that in the busy day-to...