Cancer chemoprevention is a new approach in the management of cancer. Traditional cytotoxic chemotherapeutic approaches cannot cure most advanced solid malignancies. Chemoprevention can be defined as the use of non-cytotoxic drugs and natural agents to block the progression to invasive cancer. ...
Chemoprevention involves the administration of natural or synthetic substances to reduce the risk of developing cancer or to retard the development or progression of cancer. Chemoprevention is a relatively new approach to cancer prevention that has a precedence in cardiology, in which cholesterol‐lowering...
chemoprevention Also found in:Medical,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. che·mo·pre·ven·tion (kē′mō-prĭ-vĕn′shən, kĕm′ō-) n. The use of chemical agents, drugs, or food supplements to prevent the development of cancer. che′mo·pre·ven′tiveadj.& n. ...
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as sulindac effectively prevent colon cancer in humans and rodent models. However, their cellular targets and underlying mechanisms have remained elusive. We found that dietary sulindac induced apoptosis to remove the intestinal stem cells with nuclear ...
indole-3-carbinol,myo-inositol, green and black tea and its constituents, silibinin, glucocorticoids, difluoromethylornithine, oleanane and ursane triterpenoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, farnesyltransferase inhibitors, organoselenium compounds and others. Some mixtures of these agents also demons...
Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and colorectal neoplasia: future challenges in chemoprevention There is a wealth of experimental, epidemiological, and most recently, randomized trial evidence that suggests that aspirin and other NSAIDs can reduce the... AT Chan - 《Cancer Causes & Cont...
Non-aspirin non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in prevention of colorectal cancer in people aged 40 or older: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2019, Cancer Epidemiology Citation Excerpt : Nevertheless, it would be even more interesting to focus on reducing the incidence of CRC through primar...
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends administering monthly courses of two anti-malarial drugs to children aged 3–59 months during the peak malaria transmission season. Each monthly SMC course involves one dose of SP and three daily doses of AQ, with SP and the first dose of AQ ...
Research over the last 20 years has successfully shown the feasibility and promise of chemoprevention, and we are now in position to make such preventive therapy common medical practice. However, because treatment with existing cancer-preventive drugs is associated with risk of bothersome, and ...
Cancer is a worldwide health burden with diagnosis in 1.6 million new cases and resulted in more than 585,000 deaths in the USA as per prediction reports of 2014 (Siegel et al. 2014). There is an improvement in cancer treatment with more efficient drugs