Chemistry Notes Offers by Chemistrybench Subscribe to Our Newsletter Subscribe now to receive our latest updates, Courses, and Exam Tips. Our Courses AP CBSE GCSE Middle & High School IB ICSE/ISC IGCSE IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced NEET SAT...
Past papers, summary notes and past exam questions by topic for AQA, CIE, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC Chemistry A-levels, International A-levels, GCSEs and IGCSEs
Go through to IGCSE Chemistry study guide thoroughly. Understand the marking scheme and then manage your time accordingly. First, practice all questions from the Chemistry textbook for IGCSE then do additional ones. According to the exam format practice lots of MCQs, short questions, structured quest...
1. How to prepare for chemistry IGCSE? 1. Read and comprehend. 2. Completepast paperswhile keeping themarking schemeavailable and using YouTube videos to help you comprehend thequestionsyou still need to get. 3. Try tackling the previous year's problemson your own. ...
Want help with Edexcel iGCSE Chemistry? Full notes linked to the exam specification - all split into topics with flashcards, quizzes and past papers.
Aim for A/A* (A-Levels), Level 8/9 (GCSE/IGCSE) & Level 7 (IB) Topic-wise Notes, Questions, Video resources, and Extensive Pastpaper practice. (Booking is now open for the 2025 academic session) Group & One-to-One tutoring sessions! REQUEST TUITION RESOURCES Revision Notes After ...
and :-{D 42 ] CBSE & IIT-JEE Physics Survival Guide – Dispersion of Light in Prisms and lenses, Correction of Spherical, Chromatic Aberrations etc – by Professor Subhashish Chattopadhyay, Bangalore....
IGCSE CHEMISTRY SECTION 3 LESSON 1. Content The iGCSE Chemistry course Section 1 Principles of Chemistry Section 2 Chemistry of the Elements Section 3. ALKANES, ALKENES, AND ALCOHOLS Chapter 19. Homologous Groups: Alkanes: hydrocarbon, only C and H Alkenes: hydrocarbon, only C and H...
IGCSE Coordinated Science: Chromosomes and Genes Define inheritance: Genetic information that is passed down from one generation to another. Define the terms: Chromosome: A thread of DNA, made up of a string of genes. Gene: A length of DNA that is the unit of heredity and codes for a spec...
· Students also studied IGCSE Computer Science Teacher160 terms Chemistry- Organic Chemistry 152 terms GCSE Chem Topic 2 States of Matter and Mixture 15 terms Matter and radiation test correction 18 terms chemistry 29 terms MCQ On Immunological Techniques ...