TPACK is achieved when a teacher knows how technological tools transform pedagogical strategies and content representations to teach particular topics and how technological tools in education and representations affect a student’s understanding of these topics (Marchak et al., 2021). A recent ...
et al. Teaching electrochemistry and student participation in the development of sustainable electricity generation/storage devices at the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Tartu. J Solid State Electrochem 28, 847–867 (2024). Download citation ...
2008). According to Jiménez-Aleixandre (2007), an optimal learning environment for constructing arguments should be student-centered, incorporate authentic problem-solving approaches, and allow for reflective communication and assessment beyond written tests. Combining these elements encourages the ...
Student explorations of calcium alginate bead formation by varying pH and concentration of acidic beverage juices Good Practice Report Simple green organic chemistry experiments with the kitchen microwave for high school chemistry classrooms Invited Paper Basic concept and application of conducting poly...
J.V.O. acknowledges the Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Student Research Fellowship and the 2016 Harold W. Dodds Honourific Fellowship (awarded by the Graduate School at Princeton University). Author information Authors and Affiliations Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton...
2023-05-26Ling Xiaoyu, a postgraduate student, passed the defense of his master’s thesis, titled:MASS TRANSFER KINETICS OF CINNAMON OILS EXTRACTION BY ULTRASOUND-ASSISTED STEAM DISTILLATION AND THE ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF ITS COMPONENTS. He is expected to receive his master’s degree by the end...
whereas qualitative data were collected using argumentative discussion recordings, semi-structured interviews, observations, and field notes. Quantitative data were analyzed using statistics; qualitative data were analyzed descriptively and the data were triangulated. Experimental group 1 outperformed the two ...
2022). The data indicated that the campus produced 21,500 Mt CO2-eq in 2017, equating to 1.79 Mt CO2-eq per student. The key mitigation methods suggested were the adoption of renewable energy sources, the use of energy-efficient appliances, the conversion to electric vehicles, and the ...
However, for our student body the figures are representative because almost all students participated in the seminars. It was therefore not possible to enlarge the number of participants although for the comparability of the results this would have been favorable. Because the results are concl...
Numerous theoretical and empirical studies have claimed that project-based learning (PBL) exerts a positive impact on student development. This study explores the development and changes of students across project-based learning units by qualitative rese