(SSSB). Rational structural design and doping strategies can enhance the Na+ion conductivity and electrochemical stability of ISEs. However, significant interfacial challenges remain for the practical implementation of SSSBs. More information can be found in the Review Article by Patrick Joohyun Kim,...
Editorial 在三八国际劳动妇女节来临之际,本期主编寄语特别分享了著名生物化学家米尔德里德·科恩(Mildred Cohn)的成长故事,她以卓越才能、坚韧毅力和对科学的热爱,打破性别偏见、克服阻碍,在科研道路上勇敢追求理想。正如科恩教授所言:“她们应该首先成为科学家——如果那是她们...
Single-crystal Nickel-rich layered oxides has been recognized as one of the promising cathodes for next-generation Li-ion batteries, while its practical application was hindered by structural instability and deteriorated Li+ transfer kinetics. We reported a one-step high-valence W6+ modification to ...
Past PapersRequired PracticalsChemistry Lessons Chemistry Past Papers Cambridge IGCSE Past Papers, Mark Schemes, Questions and SolutionsQuestions and Solutions for Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Papers 2, 4, 6 Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Paper 2 (Extended) ...
and the process became a technical success at the turn of the 20th century. In 1871 an industrial process was developed for the oxidation ofhydrochloric acidtochlorinein the presence of cupric salts impregnated inclaybrick. The chlorine obtained was employed in the manufacture of bleaching powder ...
The interdisciplinary team-work at the interface between chemistry, biology and medicine is required for drug research. The discipline of medicinal chemistry is both science and an art. The former offers humankind its best hopes for improving the living quality and the latter still challenges its ...
For the ways of oxidative coupling of methane and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to olefins, fossil pathways enable cost-competitive processes by feedstock price fall, but further process improvement is required to approach benchmark in renewable pathways. Conditionally, a decrease in ethanol price by 45%...
SERS-based chemical taxonomy is attractive for practical SERS applications where the identity and concentration of analytes are unknown. Here, the authors demonstrate a machine learning framework for classifying “unknown” molecules that lie outside the boundaries of the models used. ...
Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) are urgently required for achieving practical all-solid-state lithium metal batteries (ASSLMBs) but remain plagued by low ionic conductivity. Herein, we propose a strategy of salt polarization to fabricate a highly ion-conductive SPE by employing a high-dielectric ...
Morphine (3) induces tolerance, meaning that progressively higher doses are required to achieve the same therapeutic effect. This tolerance can lead to physical dependence, which is associated with severe withdrawal symptoms in morphine-dependent individuals. Due to these adverse effects, the World Hea...