Further details on building the project in integrated development environments (IDEs) are available on the wiki: Building the CDK Maven Reporting Plugins Getting Help TheToolkit-Rosetta Wiki Pageprovides some examples for common tasks. If you need help using the CDK and have questions please use th...
TheKhan Academyoffers ahuge selection of video tutorials in the sciences, all done to a very high standardand narrated in a friendly,clearly-spoken professional manner.See this video of Salman Khandescribing the project. For non-English speakers, many titles are avaiabledubbed or sub-titled in ...
Indeed, in modern chemistry, synthesis is the very process of invention, a process of rational creativity in which the rational plan for making an unknown substance is posed from the beginning as the problem that leads to the project. From: Philosophy of Chemistry, 2012 ...
This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (DI1536/11-1, project number 469042295) and supported by the computing centre of the University of Cologne (RRZK), providing CPU time on the DFG-funded supercomputer CHEOPS. We thank P. Garbeva (Wageningen) for strain S. ply...
simulation parameters were deposited in a Google Cloud Platform bucket and can be accessed through the following link: https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/ptpn2_protac_md_simulations?pageState=(%22StorageObjectListTable%22:(%22f%22:%22%255B%255D%22))&hl=en&project=calico-public...
Youn-Chul Kim, Ren-Bo An, and Hyuncheol Oh managed the research project, provided guidance and supervised the study. Hong-Guang Jin and Ren-Bo An contributed to the isolation of compounds, and the conduction of HPLC and NMR. Kwan-Woo Kim and Jing Li carried out the biological assays. ...
Research data refers to the results of observations or experimentation that validate research findings, which may also include software, code, models, algorithms, protocols, methods and other useful materials related to the project. Please read our guidelines on sharing research data for more informatio...
This is also part of my PhD project. In order to make sure EVERYONE gets paid who contributed skill, time and effort, this funding campaign is essential. Not only will the money raised allow crew members to get proper renumeration for their time and commitment, but it will also establish ...
Research data refers to the results of observations or experimentation that validate research findings, which may also include software, code, models, algorithms, protocols, methods and other useful materials related to the project. Please read our guidelines on sharing research data for more informati...
All methods associated with field data collection and laboratory analysis were established within the SWAS-VTSSS program as detailed within the Quality Assurance Project Plan (SWAS-VTSSS,2020). In this assessment, the winter season is represented by the months of December, January, and February ...