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DNA-mediated charge transfer represents a topical area of research. The influence of the site-specific introduction of a metal ion into the base pair stack is a matter of current debate. In their communication on page 10244 ff., U. Karst, J. Müller et al. contribute to this debate ...
papers on theglacial historyof High Asia, there is a tendency towards substituting Quaternary geology, large-scale geomorphologically detailed analysis in the field, the reconstruction of glacial limits, the extent of the recent glaciation, the reconstruction of the past ELA, the establishment of the...
in the acidified treatments will need to be considered when interpreting the biological responses, but these large pH fluctuations may provide insights into the level of resilience of Antarctic benthic communities to rapid changes in environmental conditions. This is especially relevant as future pH ...
Until very recently, the term Lewis acidic ionic liquids (ILs) was nearly synonymous with halometallate ILs, with a strong focus on chloroaluminate(III) sy
(USA)): The use of Chemobyl fallout data to test model predictions of the transfer of131I and137Cs from the atmosphere through agricultural food chains. CONF-910434-7. Contract AC05-840R21400. [1991]. 6 p. [3. topical meeting on emergency preparedness and response. Chicago, IL (USA)...
CHEMISTRY AT UNIVERSITY LEVEL IN WEST GERMANY K. HEYNS University of Hamburg, Germany First Iet me remind you in abrief historical introduction that Justus von Liebig while lecturing as a professor of chemistry at the University of Giessen (1821-1852) and subsequently in Munich (from 1852) ...
Green chemistry for and from wood has developed numerous industrial products, namely biosourced, green wood adhesives and preservatives, foams, composite matrices, laminates, hard and flexible plastics, flexible films, and abrasive grinding discs, and th
in the liver. In contrast, ingested pharmaceutical substances undergo biotransformation both in the intestines and liver (Bachmann2009; Stanley2017). For topical medicines, their effectivity is directly related to their ability to be absorbed through the skin. The fraction of the active pharmaceutical ...
obtained by genetic manipulation of the target Fab gene to analyzeO,O-diethyl organophosphorus pesticides (DPPs) in food samples. The advantages of scFab are well described [149], highlighting the combined stability and assay performance of Fab fragments with the high level of bacterial expression...