The late addition of coarse-grained NaCl (crystal size: 0.4–1.4 mm) to pizza dough led to an enhancement of saltiness through taste contrast and an accelerated sodium delivery measured in the mouth and in a model mastication simulator. Likewise, the application of an aqueous salt solution to ...
and more. There are so many different scientific processes and areas that kids can learn about, from making polymers with slime, to exploring acids and bases with fizzy lemonade, learning about microorganisms while baking bread, and learning about the physics of buoyant force while seeing if your...
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In the meantime I have also had a tough time keeping myself away from the processed carbohydrate that I love to hate. I have eaten out a bunch even since I got back from my two weeks living in a hotel. I have had pizza (crust), Coke, ice cream, tortillas, and plenty of worthless...
The diminishment of gluten marcopolymers and soluble high-molecular-weight proteins, and conversion of α-helices to β-turns were alleviated in HGW, which contributed to the more viscoelastic dough. Meanwhile, superior pasting and gelation properties were mainly due to suppressed α-amylase activity ...