Chemistry of transition elementsHalides of the First Row Transition MetalsBy R. Colton and J. H. Canterford. (Halides of the Transition Elements.) Pp. xx + 579. (Wiley (Interscience): London and New York, September 1969.) 180.doi:10.1016/0022-2860(74)80099-2佐竹 正忠...
摘要: Halides of the First Row Transition MetalsBy R. Colton and J. H. Canterford. (Halides of the Transition Elements.) Pp. xx + 579. (Wiley (Interscience): London and New York, September 1969.) 180.DOI: 10.1016/0022-2860(74)80099-2 年份: 1994 ...
Inorganic chemistry of the transition elements, vol. 4 : (Senior Reporter: B. F. G. Johnson), The Chemical Society, London, 1976. £27.00, 536 ppdoi:10.1016/0022-1902(77)80190-5K.W. BagnallElsevier B.V.Journal of Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry...
PDF (285 K) Electron irradiation of single crystal thorium dioxide and electron transfer reactions 2000, Inorganica Chimica Acta more Trevor R Griffiths, James Dixon Electron irradiation of single crystal thorium dioxide and electron transfer reactions Inorganica Chimica Acta, Volumes 300–302, 20 April...
Main features of the Cluster Chemistry of both main group and transition metal elements are treated in this book. The author highlights aspects releated to the synthesis, the structure, the special bonding and the reactivity of these species. The book is written as a textbook for senior ...
Transition metal dichalcogenides not only possess intrinsic stimuli-responsive behaviours upon exposure to external stimuli, but molecular functionalization of these materials and/or combination with other materials to form mixed-dimensional heterostructures enables the manipulation and enhancement of their stimuli...
20 y proved to be the forerunners of an amazingly diverse and complex new area of chemistry. During the past few decades the chemistry of boranes and the related Figure 6.11 Structure of ThB4. carbaboranes (p. 181) has been one of the major growth areas in inorganic chemistry, The ...
Abstract ( 1 ) PDF (8439KB) ( 3 ) Aqueous rechargeable batteries have attracted enormous attention owning to their intrinsic characteris-tics of non-flammability, low cost, and the superior ionic conductivity of the aqueous electrolyte. However, the narrow electrochemical stability window (1.23 V...
Abstract ( 10 ) PDF (1825KB) ( 6 ) The performance and stability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is limited by detrimental defects, mostly distributed at the grain boundary (GB) of bulk perovskite film and interface, which induce serious carrier non-radiative recombination. Therefore, there...
In 1949, Winstein and Trifan proposed that the 2-norbornyl cation adopts a bridged, non-classical structure. Now, the generation of an asymmetric environment around the three-centre two-electron bond of such an ion has been reported, enabling highly enantioselective catalytic addition reactions to...