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To answer these questions we studied the molecular-level properties of the interfacial FUS LC film by means of vibrational sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy. SFG spectroscopy provides the vibrational spectrum of molecules specifically at an interface. In addition, SFG is highly sensitive to ...
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179.45 (Fig.4a). Actually, this torsional change occurs due to the motion of Pro5 residue around the Pro5–Glu6 peptide bond as per the Ramachandran plot (Fig.3a,b). It is because the value of Ф (phi) bond is decreased for Pro5, and that of Ѱ (psi) for the same increased, ...
To kickstart your exam preparation, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry syllabus for Assam CEE 2023. The exam is conducted for a duration of 3 hours and consists of 120 questions distributed across these three subjects. Each subject car...
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The author would like to acknowledge valuable input, great questions, insightful comments, or critical reading by a large number of colleagues including Marcus Aldén (Lund, Sweden), Burak Atakan (Duisburg, Germany), Henning Bockhorn (Karlsruhe, Germany), Andreas Brockhinke (Bielefeld, Germany), Jo...
Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) consisting of 25 multiple-choice test items on kinetic energy was the instrument used for data collection. Instrument validation was done by two lecturers in test and measurement and educational technology all...
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