These programs encourage and support active learning and creative techniques for teaching science. For several years she was director of an Institute for Chemical Education (ICE) field center in Southern California and she has authored several chemistry textbooks. Susan spearheaded the development of a...
13. Yet, such an approach is not applicable to SAAs. Alternatively, the rise of machine learning has provided an efficient approach for the prediction of adsorption energies on traditional alloys and SAAs5,14,15,16. Albeit faster than and reportedly as accurate as...
ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Pate, C. M., Hart, J. L. & Taheri, M. L. RapidEELS: machine learning for denoising and classification in rapid acquisition electron energy loss spectroscopy.Sci. Rep.11, 19515 (2021). ArticleCASPubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Hart, J. L. et al. Direct...
In particular, I got really intoMagicabout the same time that my career in chemistry was just barely kicking off. While I had played as a child on the school bus, it was April 2013 when my now-colleagueDavid Schilterbumped into me in the UIUC NMR room and casually asked me if I woul...