Equations for converting near infrared reflectance spectra into estimates of nitrogen and carbon-fraction concentrations are presented, along with estimates of relative bias between laboratories and methods. Analytical errors (variation among repeated measurements of the same sample) associated with each of ...
Start your weekend with Chris Marelli, Director of CU Boulder's General Chemistry Laboratories, for a captivating and vibrant presentation that guarantees entertainment. WorkshopEntertainment & Media Follow Wed, 17 Jan 2024 Physics Colloquium, Porphene: An Easily University of Colorado Boulder, Boulde...
Besides the requirements for skilled and trained personnel as well as bio-safety level-3 (BSL-3) laboratories, possible mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus can reduce the accuracy of the gold detection method. Given these inconveniences, the identification of prognostic biomarkers that can forecast ...
765 laboratory lab, laboratories, labs N N 766 dose dosage, dosages, dosed, doses, dosing, dosings N N 767 prevent preventable, preventative, prevented, preventer, preventing, prevention, preventive, preventively, prevents, unpreventable Y N 768 seed seeded, seeding, seedless, seedling, seedling...
For a better comprehension of Figure 13, and in particular the transformation of HS•/S•– to corresponding disulfide radical anion/dianion (HSSH•–/HSS•2–), we are reporting the experiments in our laboratories by repeating some of early experiments reported by Das et al. [144] an...
However, molecular configurations are limited by the synthetic capability of current chemical technologies and individual laboratories. Even today, chemical synthesis cannot easily construct all we would like to have and compound availability is an important factor for determining potential investigations and...
(Battelle Memorial Inst., Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington; Univ. of Washington Medical School, Seattle, Washington): Instrumentation for in vivo neutron activation analysis in humans.Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-17, Part I (1970) No. 1, 138–43. CAS Google Scholar Partington, D...
2015), Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), Karlsruhe, Germany (Apostolidis et al. 2005a), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL; Boll et al. 2005), TN, USA (US Department of Energy), and within small/research quantities are also available at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River...
(Supplemental Fig.3). Responses to reactive chlorine species have largely been studied in laboratories; this is supporting evidence that use of these genes by microorganisms to respond to reactive chlorine species is not an experimental artifact but a natural phenomenon. Additionally, it provides ...
Raman instrumentation continues to become more amenable for non-specialist use, facilitating its use in manufacturing environments and enabling new discoveries in laboratories. Since our critical review of Raman spectroscopy in pharmaceutical manufacturing and bioprocessing in 2016 [18], we have seen develo...