Model Science Software develops simulation software for education, including our chemistry lab simulation software, known as Model ChemLab, which can be used for distance learning over the Internet.
Our software is used globally by scientists in the pharmaceutical, biochemical, and chemical industries. From out-of-the-box software to enterprise solutions, find the software that fits your needs. Spectrus Platform Process, Organize, and Share All Your Analytical Data Use a single data ...
ACD/Labs software is used globally by scientists in the pharmaceutical, biochemical, and chemical industries.
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关键词 化学软件 实验 模拟 化学教学 CRoCoDILE CHEM ISTRY 3O9一 A PoW ERFUL CHEM ICAL SoFTWARE FoR EXPERIMENTSSIMULATIoN CaiBanghong (DepartmentofChemistry,JiayingUniversit),Meizhou514015,Guangdong,China)· Abstract Theinterface,contents,functionsandbasicoperationofCrocodileChemistry309一 apowerfulchemicM...
KeywordsChemicalsoftwareExperimentSimulationChemicaleducation 0引言 在化学实验教学中,亲手实践是极为重要的,但在亲手实践 的同时,若能对化学实验模拟软件也加以足够的重视和利用,则 效果将会更好,特别是对那些费用高,耗时长,毒性或危险性大 的实验,模拟教学更是充分展示了它的优势和魅力所在.目前, ...
The article gives information about new software and products related to chemistry. MS Modeling is a modeling and simulation software suite, featuring tools for materials property prediction using statistical correlation methods and tools for crystallization modeling QSAR that provides quantitative structure ...
HSC Chemistry Develop new processes and improve existing ones through modeling and simulation Develop process flowsheet models and test ideas prior to lab or pilot stages Estimate the environmental footprint of processes for Life Cycle Assessment ...
第24卷第l2期 2007年l2月 计算机应用与软件 ComputerApplicationsandSoftware V o1.24No.12 Dee.2O07 功能强大的化学实验模拟软件一CrocodileChemistry309 蔡邦宏 (嘉应学院化学系广东梅州514015)摘要简要介绍了一款功能强大的优秀化学实验模拟软件——CrocodileChemistry309的工作界面,主要内容和功能及其基本 操作.关键词...
Providing precise modeling and process simulation software for chemical stream analysis, scale prediction and corrosion management.