The ultimate fate of our natural resources and the quality of the environment depend on physical, chemical and biological principles and processes Chemical principles provide a foundation for understanding the chemical reactions that abound in the soil beneath our feet, the air we breathe and the wat...
Chemistry in the environment: readings from scientific american, with introductions : Carole L. Hamilton, W.H. Freeman, San Francisco, 1973, pp. 361, price 2.80 (paper), 6.30 (bound)public goods gameframingsubjective construalperceptionsbeliefs...
此著作隶属于RSC旗下“Chemistry in the Environment”系列丛书,丛书由美国环境化学和环境纳米技术领域著名学者Dionysios D. Dionysiou教授主编。“Emerging Nanotechnologies for Water Treatment”一书亦受Dionysios D. Dionysiou教授邀请,由东华大学刘艳彪教授、北京建筑大学王崇臣教授和刘文共同主编。该书同时还邀请了中国、...
SECTION1WhatisChemistryoftheEnvironment 1.Definition ChemistryoftheEnvironmentisakindofscience,inwhichtheexistence,behavior,effect,andreducibleorremovablemethodsofpotentialharmfulchemicalmaterialsinenvironmentalmediaareresearched.2.BranchofEnvironmentalChemistry ChemistryoftheEnvironment Analyticalchemistryoftheenvironment Organ...
The oceans cover more than 70% of the earth's surface to an average depth of almost 4000 metres. It is therefore not surprising that exchanges that occur between ocean and atmosphere exert major influences on the global climate. In addition, there is great variety within the expanses of the...
Fate of chemicals in the environment : compartmental and multimedia models for predictions : based on a symposium sponsored by the ACS Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 184th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Kansas City, Missouri, September 12-17, 1982 Robert L. Swann, editor, Ala...
The journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) has a long history of co-operating with the EuCheMS Division of Chemistry and the Environment (DCE), and ESPR is the official organ of EuCheMS DCE (Giger 2010 ). In line with this joint venture, this special issue of ESPR rep...
Exploration of the coordination chemistry and electronic structure of the actinides is fundamental to understanding factors that govern their reactivity during chemical processing and their behaviour in the environment. Here, we show the recent progress in how X-ray spectroscopy has allowed us to look...
Compounds that contain carbon–fluorine bonds have various uses, but many are chemically inert, persisting in the environment as ‘forever chemicals’. Light-activated catalysts have been discovered that take them apart with ease. Jinyong Liu
Pharmaceuticals and micro(nano)plastics in the environment: Sorption and analytical challenges A.L. Patrício Silva, ... T. Rocha-Santos December 2024View PDF Review articleAbstract only Green chemistry-based strategies for liquid-phase microextraction and determination of mercury species ...