View PDF Article preview Abstract Abstract In the present study, the soy protein and whey protein isolates were hydrolysed using food-grade endoenzymes (papain and pancreatin) for different time periods (10, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min) at 35 °C. Several functional properties were examined at ...
In this regards, thermodynamically stable Si-rich SixC1-x materials can be used in solar cell applications without requiring the expensive pure grade silicon or pure grade silicon carbide. In this work, we have used density functional theory (DFT) to examine the stability of various polymorphs ...
Quality control and assurance (QC/QA) The use of Analytical Research-grade (AR) chemicals (Merck and Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) were ensured all through this study with no further purification or modification to them as the chemicals are in their pure form (99.9%). The chemicals used are primar...
Kama Illias. Chemistry to Music: Discovering how Music-Based Teaching Affects Academic Achievement and Student Motivation in an 8th Grade Science Class in Debremarkos Elementary school. Teachers should have access to new and innovative tools in order to
However, in Iran, GC is already a compulsory subject in Grade 9 of Iran’s innovative science curriculum that is designed to generate informed and scientifically literate citizens who both appreciate and understand that natural resources are finite, and that the environment should be free of waste...
SABIC's extensive portfolio of light-weighting materials was also extended this year with the introduction of a new grade of ULTEM™ foam. Lighter than ever, and fully compatible with thermosets and metal laminates, the new formulation provides a core for 'sandwich' construction, lending itself ...
removal efficiency in comparison to other three adsorbents. With pH up to 5.5, the percentage of fluoride adsorption onto refractory grade bauxite was found to increase but decreased with increase in pH. The adsorption process was found to be exothermic hence the adsorption efficiencies decreased ...
For 1H-NMR, 200 mg of finely ground coffee powder was extracted at room temperature in 1 mL HPLC grade methanol. After two-minute agitation with vortex, the samples were centrifuged for 10 min at 17°C and 450 μL of the extract was transferred to the NMR tube. Last, 90 ...
This study took place in six public senior high schools in Northwest Ethiopia. Grade 12 students had comparable academic backgrounds, with similar environmental surroundings at school and in the local community. Six schools were selected purposely using the following criteria: schools that were located...
Solar withering is essential for the aroma formation of oolong tea, but due to the rainy and humid weather in plantation areas, solar withering became insufficient which seriously limits high-grade oolong tea production. This study aims to investigate ultraviolet B (UV-B) effects on the aroma ch...