One is psychophysics, a term invented by Helmholtz, and it means the use of physically defined stimuli to measure the response of people to those stimuli. The psycho part is that people are being observed and the physics part is that the stimulus is well defined. It’s a huge field with...
My students that complete the adaptive assignments are performing better on exams. However, I am having trouble motivating the students who most need this help to complete the adaptive assignments. Any suggestions? Motivating lower-performing students is always a challenge for instructors, but there ...
The lessons here are engaging and I look forward to coming for every lesson. The teaching approach here focuses on higher-level thinking by challenging us with application questions which helped me to improve my results. Within a term, I was able to improve from failing to topping the class!
- The second blank should be filled with "transformations" because chemistry also studies how these substances change from one form to another. 5. Final Statement: - Therefore, the completed statement is: "Chemistry is the science of substances and their transformations."Updated on:18/9/2024 ...
1 We point out that such an elementary step does not always correspond to the one having the highest energy transition state. Energy reaction coordinate diagrams also clarify the precise meaning of the ubiquitously used term “stability” which is a comparative term. On one hand “stability” ...
Here, the dialogue for groups B and C are compared for quiz 3 prompt 1c: “Describe the relationship between bond length, pKa, leaving group ability, and reactivity.” To respond to this prompt, students had to understand the meaning of each term and determine how the concepts were related...
In order to build a school science using more sophisticated models for upper secondary or university levels, as in our case, we talk about the model associated with phenomena using the concrete term “key connected aspects”, which should emphasize: The purposes of each model: for example, Arrh...
Fall 2007 final exam, no answers Material Type: Exam; Professor: Amateis; Class: General Chemistry; Subject: Chemistry; University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University; Term: Fall 2007; Typology: Exams Pre 2010 Report document Less info ...
Cracking is the term given for splitting up large clusters of hydrocarbons into smaller and more functional pieces. This is accomplished by using high pressures and temperatures in the presence of a catalyst, without a catalyst, or lower temperatures and pressures. It is only one way this particu...
采访 考试: collect data 收集数据 mid-term exam 期中考 broad (论文等)内容宽泛 final exams = finals 期末考 narrow down (论文等)缩小范围 cumulative final 总结性考试 source (写论文的)参考资料 take-home exam(拿回家的开卷考 critical thinking 评判性思维 试,一般有限定的时间) lack yo...