Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA Charles T. Campbell International Center for Advanced Studies of Energy Conversion, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany Alec M. Wodtke Contributions A.M.W. conceived and wrote the Perspective together with C...
Department of Atomic Energy. May 1981. 681 p. [Nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry symposium. Waltair (India). 25–28 Feb 1980.] RAMSHESH, V.(Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay (India). Chemistry Div). Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Bombay (India)): Recoil chemistry and solid state ...
Bolter E, Wixson BG, Butherus DL, Jennett JC (1974) Distribution of heavy metals in soils near an active lead smelter. In: Fed kenheuer PJ (ed) Issue confronting Min. Ind. Ann. Meet. Sect. Aime 47th. Department. of Cond. Cont. Ext. University of Minneapolis. Minneapolis, 73 Boonyap...