catalyst inChemistry topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcat‧a‧lyst/ˈkætl-ɪst/●○○noun[countable]1technicalasubstancethat makes achemicalreactionhappen more quickly without being changed itself2something or someone that causes an important change or event to happencatalyst...
Medical Definition chemistry noun chem·is·try ˈkem-ə-strē plural chemistries 1 : a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and of the transformations that they undergo 2 a : the composition and chemical properties of a substance ...
Define chemistry. chemistry synonyms, chemistry pronunciation, chemistry translation, English dictionary definition of chemistry. n. pl. chem·is·tries 1. The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atom
This alphabetical chemistry dictionary offers definitions and examples of important chemistry and chemical engineering terms. For each term, a brief definition is given, and each link leads to a more comprehensive discussion of the word. From absolute alcohol, which refers to the common name for hig...
"catalysis" is used to refer to a reaction in which a substance is consumed (e.g., base-catalyzed ester hydrolysis). According to theIUPAC, this is an incorrect usage of the term. In this situation, the substance added to the reaction should be called anactivatorrather than a catalyst. ...
Define Cracking (chemistry). Cracking (chemistry) synonyms, Cracking (chemistry) pronunciation, Cracking (chemistry) translation, English dictionary definition of Cracking (chemistry). n. An oil refinery unit in which the cracking of petroleum takes plac
(ii) Definition of crystal lattice, unit cell; types of unit cell (scc, fcc, bcc); calculation of the number of atoms per unit cell; relationship between radius, edge length and nearest neighbour distance. Calculation of density of unit cell, formula of the compound – numericals based on...
In keeping with Linus Pauling’s definition of the chemical bond “whatever is convenient to the chemist to define as a bond,” chemistry can be defined as a discipline encompassing all areas that are of interest to chemists and where molecular science makes significant contributions. The diverse...
In summing up the definition of oxidation reaction, we should pay attention to: A chemical reaction between matter and oxygen, not oxygen. Students are told that they will also learn not to react directly with oxygen. Demonstrate the intense reaction of the experiment and point out to the ...
A substance that lowers the activation energy of a chemical reaction is called acatalyst. Basically, a catalyst acts by modifying the transition state of a reaction. Catalysts are not consumed by the chemical reaction and they don't change the equilibrium constant of the reaction. ...