Published February 2014 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2014 4073First assessment 2016 Diploma Programme ContentsChemistry data bookletThis booklet cannot be used for paper 1 of the examination (SLP1 and HLP1), but the periodic table given in section 6 will be available as part of ...
Published February 2014 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2014 4073First assessment 2016 Diploma Programme ContentsChemistry data bookletThis booklet cannot be used for paper 1 of the examination (SLP1 and HLP1), but the periodic table given in section 6 will be available as part of these...
Chemistry Data Booklet--A level.pdf,9746 H2 CHEMISTRY (2008) Data Booklet for Chemistry (Advanced Level) TABLES OF CHEMICAL DATA Important values, constants and standards molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K mo! the Faraday constant F the Avogadro constant L
内容提示: Chemistry Data BookletStandard Grade and Intermediate 2For use in National Qualification Coursesleading to the 2007 examinations and beyond.Published date: January 2007Publication code: BB3573ISBN: 978 1 85969 696 5Published by the Scottish Qualifications Authority The Optima Building, 58 ...
IB Chemistry Data Booklet (First Examination 2016最新版).pdf,Chemistry data booklet First assessment 2016 Third edition Diploma Programme Chemistry data booklet Published June 2014 Updated May 2015 Published on behalf of the International Baccalaureate O
ChemistrydatabookletChemistrydatabooklet Contents 1.Somerelevantequations1 2.Physicalconstantsandunitconversions1 3.Theelectromagneticspectrum1 4.Namesoftheelements2 5.Theperiodictable3 6.Meltingpointsandboilingpointsoftheelements4 7.Firstionizationenergy,electronaffinityandelectronegativityofthe5 elements 8.Atomic...
The periodic table 3 Atomic number 1 4 5 6 2 7 0 4.00 1 Element Relative atomic mass 10.81 Chemistry data booklet 1.01 H B 12.01 14.01 15 30.97 5 1 He F 9 2 2 C P N Al 28.09 13 6.94 Li Si 14 3 9.01 Be 4 6 7 16.00 16 32.06 O 8 19.00 20.18 Ne S Cl 17 10 3 26.92 ...
9746H2CHEMISTRY(2008) DataBookletforChemistry(AdvancedLevel) TABLESOFCHEMICALDATA Importantvalues,constantsandstandards molargasconstant R =8.31JK"mo!"' theFaradayconstant F theAvogadroconstant L thePlanckconstant h speedoflightinavacuum c restmassofproton,:1-1 mp restmassofneutron,,',11 mn restmassof...
Chemistry Data Booklet--A level 9746 H2 CHEMISTRY (2008) Data Booklet for Chemistry (Advanced Level) TABLES OF CHEMICAL DATA Important values, constants and standards molar gas constant the Faraday constant the Avogadro constant the Planck constant speed of light in a vacuum rest mass of proton,...
Chemistry Data Booklet--A level.pdf,9746 H2 CHEMISTRY (2008) Data Booklet for Chemistry (Advanced Level) TABLES OF CHEMICAL DATA Important values, constants and standards molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K mo! the Faraday constant F the Avogadro constant L