Produced in partnership with OCR for the 2008 OCR A Level Chemistry A specification, this Revision Guide complements the AS Student Book and provides students with that extra help they need for exam preparation. Written by experienced examiners and teachers, the OCR AS Chemistry A Revision Guide ...
Chemistry 2 is a title in the new Cambridge Advanced Sciences series. It has been developed specifically for the new specifications for Advanced Level Chemistry for teaching from September 2000 and has been endorsed by OCR for use with the OCR Chemistry specification A. It contains all of the ...
and chains and rings. In combination with other books in the series it provides full coverage of the Advanced Level specifications. Learning objectives are clearly defined, so that students know exactly what they need to learn. Self-assessment questions (with answers) and exam-style end-of-chapte...
Please note that the Mark Schemes are NOT a set of model answers, but rather discuss the allocation of marks in the question paper. Many questions can be answered using multiple approaches – which you can discuss with your tutor during your session. Should you have any questions about the ...
Practice questions and exam-style questions (with answers) are included for every topic, and the book is rounded off with a section of in-depth advice on Practical Skills. And finally, a free Online Edition of the whole book is included - just use the code printed inside the book to ...
OCR provides a full range of GCSE, A level, GNVQ, Key Skills and other qualifications for schools and colleges in the United Kingdom, including those previously provided by MEG and OCEAC. It is also responsible for developing new syllabuses to meet national requirements and the needs of ...
the course, as classwork or extension tasks, or for revision - Creates opportunities for self-directed learning and assessment with answers to tasks and activities supplied online - Prepares students to meet the demands of the specification by practising exam technique and developing their literacy ...
Learning objectives are clearly defined, self-assessment questions (with answers) and exam-style end-of-chapter exercises offer excellent opportunities for independent study. Chapter introductions and summaries provide the basis for structured revision. With full-colour illustration and a student-friendly ...
N " ´Is (24) A very good correlation between Mayr's experimental nucleophilicity N+ [48] and the predicted solution nucleophilicity obtained by Equation (24) at the IPCM-MP2/6-311G(d,p) level for a series of fiMrosletc-urloesw20e1l6e,c2t1r,o7n48donors was found (see Figure 3...
In addition to research needs mentioned earlier, finding answers to unresolved aspects of mushroom polysaccharides is expected to benefit human health further. We are challenged to address the following research needs: • Determine whether the antiobesity and antidiabetic properties of pure ...