ALevel Chemistry Specifcation PearsonEdexcelLevel3AdvancedGCEinChemistry(9CH0) Firstteaching romSeptember2015 Firstcertifcation rom2017 Issue1 Pearson EdexcelLevel3Advanced GCEinChemistry(9CH0) Specification Firstcertification2017 Edexcel,BTECandLCCIqualifications Edexcel,BTECandLCCIqualificationsareawardedbyPearson...
剑桥国际联盟chemistry a level AS revisionInternational-A-Level-Chemistry-Spec.pdf,INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED LEVEL EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL GCSE CHEMISTRY ECONOMICS SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Subsidiary in Chemistry (XCH1
Developed for the new International A Level specification, these new resources are specifically designed for international students, with a strong focus on progression, recognition and transferable skills, allowing learning in a local context to a global standard. ...
Imprint Edexcel Limited Publication City/Country Harlow, United Kingdom Language English ISBN10 1292244720 ISBN13 9781292244723 内容简介 Developed for the new International A Level specification, these new resources are specifically designed for international students, with a strong focus on progression,...
商品描述 Developed for the new International A Level 2018 specification, these new resources are specifically designed for international students, with a strong focus on progression, recognition and transferable skills, allowing learning in a local context to a global standard. - Recognised by universiti...
A level chemistry unit 2 2014.6 ,answer Mark Scheme (Results) Summer 2014 IAL Chemistry (WCH02/01)
Past papers and mark schemes for Edexcel Chemistry International A-level Unit 2 (WCH1/WCH0/6CH0)
Exam Board: Edexcel Level: A level Subject: Chemistry First teaching: September 2015 First exams: June 2017 * An ActiveBook is included with every Student Book, giving your students easy online access to the content in the Student Book. They can make it their own with notes, highlights and...
剑桥国际联盟June 2015 (IAL) MS - Unit 1 Edexcel Chemistry A-level.pdf,PMT Mark Scheme (Results) Summer 2015 IAL Chemistry (WCH01/01) PMT Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications Edexcel and BTEC qualifications come from Pearson, the world’s leading learning comp
Edexcel International Advanced Subsidiary in Chemistry (XCH01) Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Chemistry (YCH01) For first teaching in September 2013 First examination January 2014 Acknowledgements This specification has been produced by Pearson on the basis o...