Revision for Edexcel Chemistry (A) AS and A Level Papers, including summary notes, worksheets and past exam questions for each topic.
Revision for AQA Chemistry AS and A-Level from 2015, including summary notes, worksheets and past exam questions for each topic and paper.
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Our four-day online courses prepare students for their A Level exams. Exam board-specific courses for AQA, OCR (A) and Edexcel. Find out more and book here.
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商品简介 This comprehensive, highly accessible, exam-focused text is essential reading for all Edexcel A2 Chemistry students. 查看Google书籍信息 购前须知 图书的预售 若书籍的出版日期为将来的时间,即该商品处于预售状态。我们将在出版后进行发货。
Testing yourself is a fantastic way to learn - and fun! This app contains over 700 multiple choice questions from all aspects of the syllabus. Designed for combined and single subject AQA GCSE Chemistry courses Using the app will test your knowledge and reasoning at all levels, and help you ...
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The practice will allow you to become comfortable with the style of question that comes up in the exam, as well as the best approach to tackling a question. This is particularly useful for synoptic questions requiring knowledge from different parts of the syllabus....
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