Shorthand notation for galvanic_voltaic cells _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy 10 -- 6:01 App Introduction to galvanic_voltaic cells _ Chemistry _ Khan Academy 1 -- 5:35 App Signal characteristics - intensity _ Spectroscopy _ Organic chemistry _ Khan Aca 6 -- 11:02 App Symmetric and asymmetric ...
课程主页:课程评论:没有评论第一个写评论 关注课程 课程简介课程评论(0条)课程详情 Videos on chemistry (roughly covering a first-year high school or college course). 课程标签 0人关注该课程 主题相关的课程...
The Khan Academy has over 2,400 videos covering science, math, and more. These are my notes from Salman Khan's Chemistry videos. For the full videos, see to the AtomAtom is the Greek word for uncuttable. It's actually made up of neutrons, proton...
Khan Academy** Chemistry topics index104nonoboard*** TheKhan Academyoffers ahuge selection of video tutorials in the sciences, all done to a very high standardand narrated in a friendly,clearly-spoken professional manner.See this video of Salman Khandescribing the project. For non-English speakers...
Khan Academy:提供免费的在线教育资源,包括化学与物理的基础课程与练习题。 书籍: 《无机化学》(作者:张祖德):系统介绍了无机化学的基本原理与知识。 《大学物理》(作者:张三慧):适合物理初学者,内容涵盖力学、热学、电磁学等多个领域。 《物理化学》(作者:傅献彩):深入浅出地讲解了物...
Ahmed Rizkhan Munas Imran Sir, would be the best chemistry teacher you’ve ever met. Not just words, but the literally the best chemistry teacher alive, he has so much of patience to explain hard concepts in a really easy way…
“complementary”. Khan Academy depicts two hydrogen bonds between A and T while there are three hydrogen bonds between C and G (Khan Academy). During replication, the complementary base pairing allows each base to correctly pair to its’ complementary base to create a new strand identical to ...
You can view thetranscript for “Ether naming and introduction | Organic chemistry | Khan Academy” here (opens in new window). Carbohydrates and Diabetes Carbohydrates are large biomolecules made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The dietary forms of carbohydrates are foods rich in these types...
never cared about school. But some years ago I opened my eyes about real world and realized I love learning. Now.. I want to learn but my school already went on those topics I need my bases from to learn correctly at the level Im in. I tried Khan Academy and started with thishttp:...