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Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B A Journal of Chemical Sciences IMPACT FACTOR 2014: 0.744SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2014: 0.248Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2014: 0.393Impact per Publication (IPP) 2014: 0.622Get eTOC Alert ›Rss Get New Article Alerts ›Rss ...
ChemInform Abstract: STRUKTUR UND CHEMISCHE EIGENSCHAFTEN VON (R2AL‐O‐CR(1)N‐C6H5)2, EINEM STEREOSPEZIFISCHEN ACETALDEHYD‐POLYMERISATIONS‐KATALYSATORorgano‐aluminum compoundscatalysis, phase‐transfer catalysisStereospecific polymerization of acetaldehyde was examined by using four possible purified ...
A linear relationship between blood radioactivity and vascular labeling density was found, with a detection sensitivity approaching 1 gold particle per DNP-BSA molecule. Tracer presence over endothelial vesicles reached rapidly (10 min) a saturation value; initially localized near the luminal front, it...
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deren Kenntnis zur Aufklärung der magnetischen Eigenschaftenund der chemischen Bindung der Komplexe notwendig ist.1. EinleitungUnter den vonHEINundHERZOG [1]sowie vonHERZOGund Mit-arbeitern [2] bis [7] hergestellten(Cr,V,Ti)-Tris-a-a'-dipyridyl-Kom-plexen niederer Oxydationsstufen gibt es...
Especially in the case of 4a high activity of addition of some nucleophiles and cyclopentadiene at the C-2/C-3 double bond is observed.doi:10.1002/cber.19821150230Richar NeidleinGünter JerominWILEY‐VCH VerlagEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry...
Chemische und biologische Eigenschaften von Revertanten aus einer Salmonella typhimurium-Rd1-MutanteTwo S-form-revertant strains were isolated from a S. typhimurium Rd1 culture on account of their phage resistance. In microbiological and serological (O-agglutination) characterization — as well as in ...
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Elektrochemische Eigenschaften von 6-Methoxy-2,5-dimethyl-2H-isoindol-4,7-dion, einem antimikrobiell wirksamen Alkaloid ausReniera-ArtenIsoindole derivateAlkaloidReniera speciesDPPCyclovoltammetryTo determine the electronaffinity of 6-methoxy-2,5-dimethyl-2 H -isoindole-4,7-dione — the first ...