It normally keeps pathogens and unwanted items out of the brain, but when compromised, it can allow particles to pass into the brain that can cause inflammation. Leaky gut and brain tend to go hand in hand, as they are caused by some of the same factors, and most folks with autoimmune...
fish and seafood are heavily contaminated with thistoxicmetal. Expectant mothers are most at risk because thechemicalconcentrates in the fetalbrain, hindering its development. Mercury can also cause hair loss, kidney failure and extreme muscle weakness. ...
The new hair care style straightening, blow-drying, highlighting, and perming regularly can cause hair damage. Today's hair care formulations have been changing to address these issues. Butylene Glycol [1,3-BG] shows the highest performance as moisturizer. It has been incorporated in hair treatm...
some studies have insinuated that parabens cause endocrine disruption andincrease cancer riskby mimicking estrogen. However, the site quickly notes that these studies on animal models have used higher and prolonged exposures that are unlikely to occur naturally. ...
addressing brain inflammation as the underlying cause of hearing loss / tinnitus. This natural hearing supplement is believed to assist in the restoration of the brain as well as to provide protection against tinnitus and the potentially life-altering repercussions that it can have on the individual...
One of the primary reasons why so many people are sick is that doctors are looking at things through the narrow “battlefield” lens and are using “band-aids” (drugs) to temporarily alleviate a symptom, while never correcting the root cause of illness....
Difficult sentences Even his critics say the Ames test—his simple,inexpensive laboratory procedure that helps determine whether a substance might cause cancer—is a remarkable achievement. (paragraph 6 the last sentence) Analysis:这里两个破折号用在一个解释性的插入语前面和后面,相当于一个括号,在本句...
(TCDD), ordioxin. Although TCDD is extremely toxic to some animals, it is less so to others, but it does cause birth defects and cancer in laboratory animals. The major toxicity of TCDD in humans is in the production ofchloracne, a condition characterized by acne that appears between the ...
Iron, ametalthat is necessary for normalhealth, can also cause poisoning. The toxicity of iron is a result of its corrosive action on the stomach and intestine when present in high concentrations. As a result, intestinal bleeding occurs, which can lead to the development ofshock. ...