Chemicals 101 Chemicals Blogger Influencer Groups 101 Gamify your advocacy program with Oktopost Leaderboards Oktopost MAY 7, 2024 Moreover, according to WebMD , when a person wins a competition, dopamine– the chemical released from their brain, makes them feel good. In fact, in a study conduct...
On 23rd January 2024, the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) released the new Candidate List of SVHCs. With the addition of five new substances, the current list of SVHCs now contains 240 substances. See below a table indicating the latest substances addition: Nº EC number CAS number ...
Understood. And then, as a follow-up, in the prepared remarks that you released yesterday evening, Peter, I think you talked about escalation of energy in Europe and specifically natural gas in the region around $15 per MMBtu. How are you and just competitors broadly handling that? In othe...
Illustrative summary of ZeroPM tiered approach. The base of the pyramid (Tier 0) represents both the high number of chemicals and high level of uncertainty anticipated when screening chemicals with respect to their potential to be persistent and mobile. Moving from the screening Tier 0 level to ...
In addition, large quantities of firefighting foams containing PFAS have also been released in the past during firefighting exercises. In principle, every fire station also represents a potential point of entry, since this is where the foam concentrates are decanted, the extinguishing equipment ...
Canada and some European countries have added to the list of phthalates that are regulated, while several new phthalate substitutes have been released to the market. The above illustrate that the capacity and reactive approach of regulatory mechanisms fail to safeguard the public from health harms ...
Los Angeles County is suing the owners and operators of the Chiquita Canyon Landfill in Castaic, alleging the site has released hazardous gases hurting the health of local residents who have complained of headaches, difficulty breathing and heart problems. ...
In a statement released Feb. 28, the agency declared that grease-proofing materials that contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) will not be used in new food packaging sold in the U.S. These include PFAS used in fast-food wrappers, microwave popcorn bags, takeout...
Gottlieb urged state and local officials to do more to protect drinking water. “We need to minimize how many of these chemicals are out in the environment, because we can’t control them when they’re released,” he said. Ruyle, the Harvard scientist, said it remains unclear wh...