Water resourcehuman health risk, environmental impacts, remediation techniquesIn recent years, toxic elements, because of their toxicity and health risk associated with exposure to them, have become a threat to human life. Because of the rapid technological advancement, discharge of toxic elements, ...
In order to reduce industry costs and avoid unnecessary animal testing, REACH only requires new tests when it is not possible to provide the information using a permissible alternative.193 In addition, manufacturers and importers that place a hazardous substance on the market, either on its own ...
This paper presents the results from a study on the current state of tailing dump, surrounding soil and water in the region of Tarnia-Suceava, Romania. A number of chemical analyses and germination tests were applied in an attempt to estimate the ability of soil to maintain the plants growing...
Fig. 2: Bromide electrolysis tests. a–e, Photographs of the electrolytic cells we used to examine the bromide electrolysis process with stirred (a and b) and still (c–e) electrolytes. Panels a and c are before electrolysis; b and d are during electrolysis; and e(i)–(v) shows sequen...
(e.g., observation under the microscope), behavioral tests (e.g., in situ online biomonitoring, use of T-shaped olfactometers, tests of avoidance responses), measurement of population changes (e.g., cell density or turbidity measurements), and multispecies tests with observation of community ...
In most cases, conducting only surface-level water quality tests is insufficient to pinpoint the hiding pollutants since contaminants can form in the underwater substrate by the accumulation of the incipient chemical agents. These underwater chemical reactions are commonly instigated by detritus, industr...
The availability of drinking water quality data is key to better understanding the human health impacts of drinking water contaminants. Unfortunately, the current monitoring system has significant gaps: it has low coverage for certain segments of the population like private well owners, it is tested ...
(the 6s2electrons remain unused). It is the only element to form a stable singly chargedcationwith the outerelectron configuration(n-1)d10ns2, which is, unusually enough, not aninert gasconfiguration. In water the colourless, more stable thallous ion, Tl+, resembles the heavieralkali meta...
Some of the recommended tests involve experiments with subsets of natural systems, such as microcosms, or with entire ecosystems. The majority of testing new chemicals for possible effects has, however, been confined to studies in the laboratory on a limited number of test species. Results from ...
select article Revealing the metabolic characteristics and nitrite accumulation mechanism of glycerol-driven partial denitrification process by batch tests and untargeted metabolomic analysis Research articleAbstract only Revealing the metabolic characteristics and nitrite accumulation mechanism of glycerol-driven part...