Chemical synapses are characterized by all of the following except: a. neurotransmitter is released from the presynsaptic cell. b. postsynaptic membranes contain receptors that bind the released neurotransmitter. c. a fluid-filled gap separates the presy...
Conventional electron microscopy combined with cobalt staining techniques has revealed chemical synapses and gap junction-like areas denoting specific regions of contact between two large, uniquely identifiable visual interneurons in the brain of the locust. The morphological demonstration of chemical synapses...
These data demonstrate that both electrical and chemical synapses are prominent within nRt and suggest different roles for the two types of connections. We thus propose that, along the vertical plane, electrical connectivity will promote coordinated rhythmic activity of sleep and/or thalamocortical ...
imumlevelsofsensationproducedbyknownstimuli.Inthehumansensory systemsthedynamicrangesaretypicallylargerthanforsingleneurons,this amplificationbeingessentiallyacollectiveeffectoftheneuralnetwork.We investigatedthedynamicrangeexhibitedbyacellularautomatonnetwork withelectricalandchemicalsynapses,whenthestimuliaremodelledbya...
are co-localized with NMDA receptors in many synapses and consist of seven structurally related subunits designated GluR-1 to -7. The kainate/AMPA receptors are primarily responsible for the fast excitatory neuro-transmission by glutamate whereas the NMDA receptors are functionally characterized by a ...
Regular patterns can form spontaneously in chemical reaction-diffusion systems under non-equilibrium conditions as proposed by Alan Turing. Here, we found that regular patterns can be generated in uphill-diffusion solution systems without a chemical reaction process through both in-situ and ex-situ obs...
Depression is a frequent and highly heterogeneous mood disorder, and is a psychiatric condition characterized by the expression of anhedonia, despair, disturbed appetite or sleep, feeling of guilt and worthlessness, recurrent thoughts of death, and even suicidal tendencies [1]. Globally, more than 35...
Meanwhile, as reported in patients with Parkinson's disease, both the dopaminergic and cholinergic systems underwent degeneration, which led to defi- cits in dopamine and acetylcholine at synapses. As for the cholinergic system, MPTP also decreased the gene expression of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT...
GABA is synthesized in the nerves before synapses connect and acts as a signal moderator between neurons. It also contributes to the dispersion, transfer, differentiation, and extension of neurite and synapse formation, regulates the growth of embryonic stem cells and neural stem cells, and affects...
In synapses, dynamin I phosphorylation occurs both at rest and during nerve stimulation. In order to facilitate the interaction of dynamin with endocytic proteins to promote endocytosis, it is quickly dephosphorylated at S774 and S778 by calcium-dependent phosphatase and calcineurin [210]. More ...