Chemical science support to the National CBRNE Response TeamLambert, P GBrown, C EGoldthorp, M DLi, KFieldhouse, BHollebone, B PYang, CLandriault, M
Becca Johansen Associate Director, Chemicals Policy View bio Hannah Lawrie Head of Sustainability Read my story Chris Sowden Principal Consultant Support Responder View bio Ed Sullivan Head of Chemical and Response Training View bio Contact us for a free, no-obligation discussion on the challenges faci...
The center line indicates the median, the top and bottom hinges indicate the first and third quartiles, respectively, and the whiskers extend to the quartiles ± 1.5 × interquartile range. (k and l) Cell survival analysis using a CCK8 assay in THP-1 (k) and HGC-27 cells (l) ...
Impact of the deepwater horizon oil spill on bioavailable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Gulf of Mexico coastal waters. Environ Sci Technol 2012; 46: 2033–2039. 35 McDonough CA, Khairy MA, Muir DC, Lohmann R. Significance of population centers as sources of gaseous and dissolved PAHs in ...
Neuroinflammation, predominantly mediated by microglial activation, is a key immunological response in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. In our preliminary study, the aerial part of Artemisia iwayomogi inhibits LPS-induced microglial activation. The present study aims to identify chemical consti...
The aim of this work was the determination of Pelargonium graveolens (aerial parts) volatile compounds at three developmental stages and the evaluation of their antioxidant, antidiabetic, dermaprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. The aerial parts of Pelargonium graveolens were collected...
SuperiorAviationBeijingCo.,Ltd. 1.CHEMICALPRODUCT&COMPANYIDENTIFICATION 化工产品&企业基本信息 ProductName:TCPFuelTreatment 产品名称:TCP燃油处理剂 CASNumber:Mixture CAS编号:混合物 SuperiorAviationBeijingCo.,Ltd 北京卓越航空工业有限公司 Add:No.11,JinghaiThirdRoad,BeijingEconomic-TechnologicalDevelopmentZone, Beij...
chemical spill chemical sterilization chemical stimulus chemical substance chemical sunscreen chemical sympathectomy chemical taxonomy Chemical Terrorism chemical thyroidectomy chemical warfare Chemical Weapon chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agents chemically cured resin chemically sensitive fi...
Further developments to improve toxicity testing based on animals include a new design from the National Research Council for cellular-response networks that take into consideration advances in toxicogenomics, bioinformatics, systems biology, epigenetics, and computational toxicology thereby allowing scientists ...