[有机交流] 寻找材料、医药、生物等等类别有机分子合成定制 +3 笑起来真好看啊 2025-02-11 6/300 2025-02-12 13:04 by Rosy_yidun [考研] 辽宁某高校,调剂缺额。 +4 辽宁考研调剂复� 2025-02-08 7/350 2025-02-12 09:38 by 输入昵称01 [考研] 433分求调剂,化学专业 +11 15100504973 2025-...
The Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics Section (PCCP Section) is one of the youngest among the sections of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS)—the year 2021 will only mark three years since its inception [...]
This section reviews the research applications of three different methods, adsorption, membrane filtration and ionic resins, for the removal of antibiotics from water, including treatment efficiency, removal mechanisms and influencing factors. 3.2.1. Adsorption Method In the study of physical removal ...