This study focuses on a laboratory experimental injection of CO2through calcareous and siliceous sediments both in freshwater and seawater aimed to identify the physical and chemical effects of CO2seepage and to assess the ability of the system to return towards the original conditions once the CO2...
The availability of structured chemical data is especially important for automation due to the increasing interest in robots in the context of organic synthesis1,2,3,4. Structured data is also important to stimulate the design of predictive models for optimizing reaction procedures and conditions, sim...
physiological and technical chemistry, reactor design, or process optimization. These models rely on numerous kinetic parameters such as reaction rate, diffusion or partitioning coefficients. Determining these properties by experiments can be challenging, especially for multiphase systems, and researchers often...
discovery of new chemical reactions has been automated,28using thousands of data points (entries of reaction data) to teach a machine, which is only feasible with the means for conducting/analyzing hundreds to thousands of reactions in parallel. However, these algorithm applications do not allow op...
Learn how to set up and solve the five COMSOL Multiphysics models featured in the textbook Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering by H. Scott Folger.
and J.S. carried out the initial investigation to select the test reaction; J.S. designed and carried out HTE experiments with the assistance of M.P.; J.L. wrote the web application for the reaction optimization game with the assistance of J.S., J.J. and B.J.S.; and B.J.S. ...
reaction and to control the reaction based on heat output. The control of the relevant parameters including additions can be automated and pre-programmed, so experiments can be safely run while recording all reaction parameters, 24 hours a day. The individual steps of the process of the ...
1The evolution of polymer reaction engineering We can acknowledge that polymer reaction engineering (PRE) was born fromchemical reaction engineering(CRE). I enjoyed a rendition of this statement from a close colleague who phrased it asPRE having started as a “costola” of CRE, under the impulse...
A palladium-catalysed reaction converts hydrocarbon-derived precursors to chiral boron-containing nortricyclanes, and the shape of these nortricyclanes makes them plausible isosteres formetadisubstituted aromatic rings. Mingkai Zhang ,Matthew Chapman ...
experiments89 show that a propyl ligand is formed during the reaction, that hydroxyl groups exist in the structure (albeit already before the hydrogenation reaction due to defects arising from the synthesis of the MOF), and that rhodium-oxygen bonds are broken during the hydrogenation reaction. ...