原视频简介:Chemical potential is a key concept for establishing the fundamental equation of thermodynamics. In this video, I explain the physical meaning of chemical potential and how it relates to Gibbs free energy. 展开更多知识 科学科普 化学势 热力学 ...
In both cases, the bond ultimately results from the attraction between negatively-charged electrons and positively-charged protons. In forming a bond, the motion of the electrons is restricted by their new configuration, meaning they lose kinetic energy. This energy is released by the bond's forma...
Partial molal Gibbs energyElectromotive forceThe chapter concerns the definition of the chemical potential as being a partial molar Gibbs energy. It also mentions its physical meaning, some of its properties with, especially, its change accompanying a chemical transformation. The chemical potential is,...
Energy refers to the ability to do work, wherein, work is defined as the movement of the body to some kind of force. We require energy throughout and it comes in several forms. Chemical energy is defined as the energy that is stored in the bonds of chemical compounds such as atoms and...
The chemical potential loses its physical meaning in the system with a fixed number of particles or after eliminating quantal fluctuations of particle (quasiparticle) numbers by means of particle number projection. The validity of the criterion for the signature of the transition to Bose-Einstein ...
7.1 Meaning of the chemical potential Although the chemical potential plays a role analogous to temperature and pressure, understanding the nature of the chemical potential is more difficult. We know that if two systems are at different temperatures and are then placed in thermal contact, there...
Resik-V, with “resik” meaning “tight,” is a very popular brand among women who do sex work. The front of the bottle that we bought in a supermarket states: “Fragrant and tight, especially for female areas” (see Fig.4.4). The back of the bottle states: “Resik-V Feminine contai...
A negative \({\delta }_{{ij}}\) indicates unfavored pair, meaning \(i\) and \(j\) repel each other. Random solid solution has \({\delta }_{{ij}}=0\). B2 cluster analysis Mo and Ta tend to attract each other and form the B2 structure. The B2 unit cell has a simple bcc ...
Though, exergy property provides a more complete evaluation of processes since it accounts for: (i) reversible non-dissipative conversions among different forms of energy; and (ii) irreversible dissipative conversions determining entropy creation and related exergy destruction. This dual meaning ...
Illite has a structure like MMN but its layers are bonded together by potassium ions. Nieto et al. refer to the fact that the term illite is used in clay mineral literature in most cases without a strict mineralogical meaning but usually meaning dioctahedral mica [18]. The crystal structure...