Many aquatic organisms possess well-developed chemosensory systems that are adapted to monitoring changes in the chemical composition of the aqueous environment in which they live. For aquatic organisms. specific chemicals in the environment may evoke highly predictable changes in behavior. Facets of beha...
1965. Butterflies and plants: a study in coevolution. Evolution, 8, 586-608. Google Scholar Faucheux, M.J. 1989. Morphology of the antennal club in the male and female bark beetles Ips sexdentatus(Boern.) and Ips typographus L. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Annales des Sciences Naturelles ...
The storage and processing of chemical substances, in particular of environmentallyhazardousand flammable substances, requires complex plants of the highest precision. PURPLAN combines state-of-the-art engineering with expert craftsmanship to provide our customers with the best results; from the initial pl...
Plants usually produce defence metabolites in non-active forms to minimize the risk of harm to themselves and spatiotemporally activate these defence metabolites upon pathogen attack. This so-called two-component system plays a decisive role in the chemical defence of various plants. Here, we discove...
Propolis is a glue material that is collected by honeybees from plants and then used for sealing cracks in hives and protecting the bees from bacterial and fungal infections44,45. Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks used propolis in the past as a medicine for curing some diseases46. The cura...
The formation of pineapple translucency was regulated by Ca2+/H+antiporter gene AcoCAX2 Haiyan Shu, Farinaz Vafadar, Aiping Luan, You Wang, Junhu He, Rulin Zhan and Shenghe Chang Research22 February 2025 Essential oil-based emulsions reduce bacterial canker on kiwifruit plants acting as antimicro...
plants, microorganisms and their environment, with the help of modern bioinformatics. Another special focus is the use of modern bioorganic and biological chemistry to develop new technologies for plant nutrition and bio-stimulation, advancement of biorefineries from biomasses, safe and traceable food pr...
Medicinal Plants in Libya Arab Encyclopedia House, Tripoli, Libya (1985), p. 686 Google Scholar [8] A.P. Simopoulos, H.A. Norman, J.E. Gillaspy, J.A. Duke,et al. Common purslane: a source of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants ...
Felix: Tumor Damaging Capacity of Plant Materials, II: Plants Used as Diuretics. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 13, 741 (1952–1953). Google Scholar Bendz, G., and O. Märtensson: MOSS Pigments, II: The Anthocyanins of Bryum rutilans Brid. and Bryum weigelii Spreng. Acta Chem. Scand. 17,...
Ashraf MA, Iqbal M, Rasheed R, Hussain I, Riaz M, Arif MS (2018) Chapter 8—Environmental stress and secondary metabolites in plants: an overview. In: Ahmad P, Ahanger MA, Singh VP, tripathi DK, Alam P, Alyemeni MN (eds) Plant metabolites and regulation under environmental stress, Aca...