中文名称:维生素K1英文名称:Vitamin K1 CAS:84-80-0保存条件:常温密封避光 纯度规格:5%产品类别:科研原料 纯度:99%规格:1kg;2kg;5kg;10kg;25kg 外观:黄色油状物包装:塑料桶 价格:电议用途:科研/试剂/高校实验 *维生素与氨基酸*维生素k84-80-0/维生素k1 ...
中文名称 维生素k 英文名称 Vitamin K 中文别名 甲萘氢醌 CAS RN 12001-79-5 分子式 C31H46O2 分子量 450.7032 用 途 本品为止血药。用于凝血酶原过低症、维生素K缺乏症、新生儿自然出血症的防治、因服双香豆素、水杨酸等过量所致的出血。对胆道蛔虫等引起的绞痛有效。副作用为口服常引起恶心、呕吐等胃肠道反应...
VITAMIN K AND CHEMICAL CARCINOGENEISdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(78)90347-1RobertG BellThe Lancet
Product name: Vitamin K3 MNB Chemical formula: C11H8O2 CAS:58-27-5 Application: To promote the detoxification of liver, prevent and cure hepatic fibrosis, live cancer and lung cancer; Lack of Vitamin K3 in chicks infected with eimeria species sharply...
Structures of K-vitamins Vitamin K is a group name for a number of related compounds, which have in common a methylated naphthoquinone ring structure, and which vary in the aliphatic side chain attached at the 3-position (see figure 1). Phylloquinone (also known as vitamin K1) invariably co...
As a main form of Vitamin K, it can effectively change into K2 in the animal body, and plays a role We now produce three series of leather chemicals: tanning agent series, fatliquor series and auxi Chromium salts mainly includes sodium dichromate, potassium dichromate, chromic anhydride and ...
Vitamin D: Biochemical, Chemical and Clinical Aspects related to Calcium Metabolismdoi:10.1016/0014-5793(79)80999-0M.C.ScruttonWileyFebs Letters
Vitamin D: Biochemical, Chemical and Clinical Aspects related to Calcium Metabolism : Edited by A. W. Norman, K. Schaefer, J. W. Coburn, H. F. DeLuca, D. Fraser, H. G. Grigoleit and D. von Herrath Walter de Gruyter; Berlin, New York, 1977 xix + 973 pages. Dm 175.— M.C....
中文名称:维生素K1英文名称:vitamin K1 CAS:84-80-0品牌:鼎信通 产地:湖北武汉保存条件:密闭,避光保存,保质期3年。 纯度规格:≥99.0%出口标准25KG/纸板桶 100G/500G/1KG/5KG 可根据需求包装产品类别:试剂 是否进口:否用途:科学实验,产品研发或出口
维生素K-1为黄色至橙黄色透明粘稠的液体,无臭或几乎无臭;遇光易分解。其在氯仿、乙醚或植物油中易溶,在乙醇中略溶,在水中不溶。 临床应用 维生素K1在临床上应用于凝血酶过低症、维生素K1缺乏症、新生儿自然出血症的防治以及梗阻性黄疸、胆瘘、慢性腹泻等所致出血,香豆素类、水杨酸钠等所致的低凝血酶原血症。