Receive an update when the latest issues in this journal are publishedSign in to set up alerts select article Editorial Board Full text access Editorial Board Article 132222 View PDF General Section select article Multifunctional microfluidic “Particle diode”: One-way particle transport and particle ...
Major transportation pipelines usually impose restrictions on the makeup of the natural gas that is allowed into the pipeline and cleaning before transportation is required. While the ethane, propane, butane, and pentanes must be removed from natural gas, this does not mean that they are all ...
The hydrogen supply rate (makeup and recycle hydrogen) to the hydroconversion zone is in the range from about 14.16 to about 566 standard cubic meter per 158.9 liters (barrel) of hydrocarbon feed, preferably about 56.6 to 142 standard cubic meter per 158.9 liters (barrel). The ...
sensible heat recovery from blowdown water will also be economical. Such a system consists of a flash tank and a heat exchanger to preheat deaerator makeup water as shown inFigure 1. It saves steam requirements in the deaerator, and also eliminates capital expenditure for cooling or quenching...
A physical change is when the physical properties of a substance have changed, but the make up (formula) of the substance does not change. For example, water changing to ice is a physical change. The physical properties of ice (such as density, hardness, index of refraction) are different...
In addition, the solid inventory in the reduction reactor would represent 8% of that required for ilmenite and the solid circulation would drop by 30%, but the fresh particle makeup would be 4 times higher based on measurements from a lab-scale submerged jet attrition mill....