Beside their natural beauty, the brilliant color and luster, they are often associated with social status and level of well-being. As a result, and not surprisingly, the trend of cosmetics makeup is to emulate or recreate these “natural” and “aesthetic” appearances of pearl, gem and ...
(including species, origin, age, agarwood-induction method, agarwood-induction time) and essential oil extraction methods can affect the chemical composition of AEO. The AEOs’ chemical makeup can be used to determine legitimacy and processes used in extraction. AEOs derived via HD and SFE, for ...
The essential oils of three medicinally importantCurcumaspecies (Curcuma alismatifolia,Curcuma aromaticaandCurcuma xanthorrhiza) were extracted using conventional hydro-distillation (HD) and solvent free microwave extraction (SFME) methods. The volatile compounds from the rhizome essential oils were subseque...
The hydrogen flow was 70 mL/min, air flow was 450 mL/min, and the makeup gas flow (nitrogen) was 15 mL/min. Molecules 2019, 24, 842 12 of 16 Fatty acid methyl esters were identified by comparison with retention times of 37 fatty acid methyl ester standard compounds analyzed at the ...