KARACHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES F-25, Estate Avenue, S.I.T.E., Karachi-75730,Pakistan Phone:2574471-2 Fax:21-2561574 Website: http:// Show CategoriesShow BrandsShow Product List
experienced and trustedchemical suppliers in Lahoresupplying quality chemicals to paint, foam, and other related applied industry of Pakistan and abroad. We also supply our chemicals to selected chemical shops in Lahore, Karachi, and all over Pakistan. Recently, we have introduced ourselves as Himalay...
F-25, Estate Avenue, S.I.T.E., Karachi-75730,Pakistan Ph: 2574471-2 Fax: 21-2561574 Website: http://Hide Categories Show Molecules Show Product ListAnalgesics, antipyretics, NSAIDs, antigout, and antirheumatics (Category - 2) APCOM COXLAN DICLOFEN DIPYRONE EXIDOL GAULD KAYCIGIN ...
Zahabiya Chemical Industries, established in 1972 is acknowledged as the renowned Manufacturer & Exporter of Construction, HVACR, Engineering, Automobile & Packaging related Adhesives, Sealants, Water Proofing & Weather Protective Coatings and Compounds. Situated at Export Processing Zone, Karachi, Pakistan...
Union Chemical Industries (pvt) Ltd., 475,National Highway,Landhi, Karachi. Contact Union Chemical Industries (pvt) Ltd. at 021-35016256. Apply for job at Union Chemical Industries (pvt) Ltd., Karachi.
Tufail Chemical Industries (pvt) Ltd., Mezz.Floor,Progressive Centre, 30-A/6,P.E.C.H.S., Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. Contact Tufail Chemical Industries (pvt) Ltd. at 021-34388205. Apply for job at Tufail Chemical Industries (pvt) Ltd., Karachi.
Study on Chemical Investigations of Drinking Water Eminence of Diverse Textile Industries in Korangi Industrial Area Karachi, Sindh, PakistanKhan, Abdul FarhanAbbasi, Haq NawazNasir, Muhammad ImranAhmad, WaqarPakistan Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences...
At Sitara chemicals, we believe in best quality and services towards our clients, human resources, environment and to our country. As a result we have achieved: 1. Three times winner-Top 25 Companies Corporate Excellence Award by Karachi Stock Exchange. ...
Research Institute of Chemistry University, Karachi, Pakistan Related publications Why related? Book Safety Design for Space Systems Editors-in-Chief: Tommaso Sgobba, Gary Eugene Musgrave, ... Michael T. Kezirian Second Edition • 2023 Book Schnittstelle Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie Isabelle Blaess,...
Karczewska, A. (2002). Heavy metals in soils polluted by emissions from copper smelters—forms and solubility.Z Nauk AR Wroclaw,432, 1–159. Google Scholar Karim, Z., & Qureshi, B. A. (2014). Health risk assessment of heavy metals in urban soil of Karachi, Pakistan.Human and Ecologica...