46 -- 30:08 App IG Chem Practice 06 - Chemical Calculations 58 -- 24:33 App IG Chem Practice 08 - Chemical energetics 113 -- 10:51 App IG Chem Practice 03 - Atom, elements and compounds 107 -- 14:34 App IG Chem Practice 05 - Formulae and equations 156 -- 12:21 App IG...
It allows parsing chemical formulas, calculating formula weights for stoichiometric calculations, and generating formatted output strings (e.g. HTML). python chemistry python-library chemical-formulas chemicals python-module chemistry-formulas chemistry-database Updated Jan 18, 2022 Python ...
How To Do Titration Calculations 英文微课 45 体积摩尔浓度的计算 Calculating Molartiy 英文微课46 方程式配平(1) How To Balance Equations - Part 1 英文微课47 方程式配平(2) How To Balance Equations - Part 2 英文微课48 如何使用摩尔(1) How To ...
Then, the calculations to compute the coefficients are carried out and the solution is shown. The program accepts and solves problems with ion species. Among other questions, the program checks that formulation rules are not broken and that chemical elements, formulae and characters such as ...
providing a single source of information on magnetochemistry, this book offers a comprehensive and contemporary review of the mathematical background and formula for predicting or fitting magnetic data, including a summary of the theory behind magnetochemistry to help understand the necessary calculations....
“Chemdoodle is very user friendly. I liked the fact that I could draw chem equations easily and without much frustration. Great application.” South Texas College “I really like the intuitive feel, not to mention all of the neat widgets, of this program! I've been on a hunt for new ...
xi.Appendices:If there is more than one appendix, they should be identified as A, B, etc. Formulae and equations in appendices should be given separate numbering: Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc.; in a subsequent appendix, Eq. (B.1) and so on. ...
The activities of ions are incorporated into a frame of the Nernst–Planck–Poisson (NPP) equations. Calculations were done with COMSOL software for a real concrete microstructure determined by X-ray computed tomography. The concentration profiles of four ions (Na+, Cl−, K+, OH−), the ...
EoS is a functional equation describing the P-V-T relationship of a fluid, and it is known from the phase rate that after determining any two of the P, V, and T properties of a pure fluid, the state of the system is also determined. EoS can be used to perform calculations of phase...