Water is a substance that can be transferred between liquid, gaseous and solid. The solid water is called ice; Gas is called water vapor. Water temperature is higher than 374.2 ℃, the gaseous water cannot by pressurized into liquid water. Its chemical formula ...
CalciumOxide Chemicalformula:CaOCAS:1305-78-8 Uses:Desiccant,quicklimeisremovedusingachemicalcommonlyusedindesiccantsabsorbwatervapor,butalsoforironandsteel,pesticides,pharmaceuticals,drying,tanninga Activated Alumina ActivatedAlumina Transformeroiladsorbentsphericalactivatedaluminawhitesphericalporousparticles,activated...
Vapor pressureNegligible »Glyphosate details Paraquat Chemical Name(1,1’-dimethyl-4,4’-bipyridium ion) dichloride anion Empirical FormulaC12H14Cl2N2 CAS No.2074-50-2 Molecular Weight257.2 Melting pointDecomposes at 300°C SolubilityIn water 700 g/l (20°C). Practically insoluble in most oth...
However, these less well-crystallized interphases are more susceptible to rapid oxidation and reaction with atmospheres containing water vapor (Cofer et al., 1995; Morscher et al., 1997). Sign in to download full-size image Figure 16. (a) AES depth profile analysis from the surface of a Hi...
Solubility In Water(g/ ml) 0.03g/100ml Vapor Pressure 1.1 Molecular Weight 212.25 Molecular Formula C14H12O2 Stability Stable under ordinary conditions Usage and dosage 1. Dosage: 0.2-0.7% of the total amount of powder, the specific amount determined by the test. ...
Chemical Formula C26H29N3O2 Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Off white crystal Odor: odorless PH: Not available Vapor Pressure: Not available Vapor Density: Not available B. P.: Not available M. P.: 175.0~183.0ºC Specific gravity: 0.62g/cm3 So...
Water & Wastewater Decontamination Chemicals for Shutdowns and Turnarounds We formulated and designed chemical cleaning products for the external and internal cleanup of refinery systems and equipment. This line of industrial cleaning products includes vapor phase cleaning chemicals,fin fan cleaningand mai...
Chemical Formula C26H29N3O2 Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Off white crystal Odor: odorless PH: Not available Vapor Pressure: Not available Vapor Density: Not available B. P.: Not available M. P.: 175.0~183.0ºC Specific gravity: 0.62g/cm3 Solubility in H2O: Minu...
but the minor components water vapor and carbon dioxide are strong absorbers, especially in the long-wavelength region of the infrared. Absorption of infrared light by a gas causes its temperature to rise, so any source of infrared light will tend to warm the atmosphere; this phenomenon is know...