Chemical formula, any of several kinds of expressions of the composition or structure of chemical compounds. The forms commonly encountered are empirical, molecular, structural, and projection formulas. An empirical formula consists of symbols representi
Anempirical formula consists of symbols representingelementsin a compound, such as Na forsodiumand Cl forchlorine, and subscripts indicating the relative number ofatomsof each constituent element. (A subscript is not used, however, unless the number is more than one.) Thus,benzeneis represented by...
该【化学公式(Chemicalformula) 】是由【小健】上传分享,文档一共【25】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【化学公式(Chemicalformula) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。化学公...
The molecule of an element can be represented using a chemical formula by stating the symbol of the single type of atom present in it, along with its count. For instance, the molecule of chlorine (Cl) has two atoms. Therefore, it is represented by the chemical formula Cl2. The molecule ...
(oxygen, -2, chlorine in the chloride is -1, fluorine -1, bromine is -1) (elemental, element valence is 0; in the compound, and the valence of elements of algebra for 0) 5, the chemical formula and valence: (1) the significance of the chemical formula: Macro meaning: A. ...
the forumla for sodium chloride: NaCl tells us that the compound is composed of the elements sodium, Na, and chlorine, Cl, in a one-to-one ratio. That is, one atom of sodium combines with one atom of chlorine. When elements combine in different ratios, subscripts are added, following ...
Formula Cl2 SMILES ClCl Molecular Weight1 70.91 CAS 7782-50-5 Other Names BERTHOLITE CHLORE Chloor Chlor Chlorine mol. Cl2 Cloro Diatomic chlorine Molecular chlorine UN 1017 chlorine, diatomic ω : Acentric Factor. Cp,gas : Ideal gas heat capacity (J/mol×K). μ : Dipole Moment (debye...
Chemical Formula:To simplify the representation of compounds, we write them as a chemical formula. It should consist of chemical symbols to represent the elements and numerical subscripts to indicate the relative number of each element in the compound. For polyatomic ions, parentheses a...
化学分子式(Chemical formula).doc,化学分子式(Chemical formula) By category Sulfates 1. goslarite: ZnSO4 7H2O? 2. barium meal, barite: BaSO4 3. melanterite, melanterite, melanterite: FeSO4 7H2O? 4. mirabilite, nitre, mirabilite: Na2SO4 10H2O? 5. alum:
chlorineCl17 argonAr18 potassiumK19 calciumCa20 scandiumSc21 titaniumTi22 vanadiumV23 chromiumCr24 manganeseMn25 ironFe26 cobaltCo27 nickelNi28 copperCu29 zincZn30 galliumGa31 germaniumGe32 arsenicAs33 seleniumSe34 bromineBr35 kryptonKr36