4. How do I prepare for Chemical Equilibrium for the NEET exam? The entire Chapter deals with equilibrium reactions, so you should understand certain mole concepts and the rate of the law of mass action with regard to concentration and pressure. In the end, the sole formula used in this Ch...
It is the equilibrium distance between the nuclei of the two bonded atoms in a molecule. The bond length of a covalent molecule is determined by the covalent radii of each bonded atom. The bond length order: Triple bond < Double bond < Single bond Bond Angle: ...
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As shown in Figure 1b, in this model, the contact angle is defined by the Wenzel equation: cos θW = r cos θe (2) where the roughness factor r (r > 1) is the ratio of the true surface area of the solid to its horizontal projection, and θe is the equilibrium contact angle ...