MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)即化学品安全技术说明书,亦可译为化学品安全说明书或化学品安全数据说明书。是化学品生产商和进口商用来阐明化学品的理化特性(如PH值,闪点,易燃度,反应活性等)以及对使用者的健康(如致癌,致畸等)可能产生的危害的一份文件。
aMSDS:是化学品安全技术说明书又被称为物质安全技术说明书,化学品的供应商向下游用户传递化学品基本的危害信息(包括运输、操作处置、储存和应急行动信息)的一种载体。 正在翻译,请等待...[translate]
ChemicalSafety&MaterialSafetyDataSheet(MSDS)讲师Trainer:林青青LinQingqing编制Author:林青青LinQingqing修订Reviser:林青青LinQingqing修订次Rev:(Dec2006)状态Status:当前Current 审核Reviewedby:Dr.ClaasJuergens批准Approvedby:BASF-YPCCompanyLimited扬子石化-巴斯夫有限责任公司 ChemicalSafety&MSDS 1 培训内容Training...
a5.1.6 采购人员在获取化学品中文安全技术说明书(MSDS)后,应知会到工程部,工程部将MSDS按QWI-07-11119《化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS)及安全标签管理规定》发行,相关使用部门签收后应将MSDS张贴在使用该化学品的场所的附近明显位置告知员工。 5.1.6 purchases the personnel after gain chemical Chinese safety work...
MSDS 信息邻苯二甲酸二丙烯酯(131-17-9).msds 131-17-9(安全特性,毒性,储运) 爆炸物危险特性 本身无爆炸危险 储运特性 包装完整、轻装轻放; 库房通风、远离明火、高温、与氧化剂分开存放 刺激数据 眼- 兔子 500 毫克 轻度 毒性分级 中毒 急性毒性 ...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To immediately understand information on a chemical substance to achieve the original purpose of an MSDS (material safety data sheet) system and to quickly perform relief measures for the sufferers.AOYAMA KAYOKO青山 香代子...
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name: Sodium Acetate EPA Reg. No: N/A 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Sodium Acetate UN/MA#: N/A DOT Hazard Class: N/A 2. INGREDIENTS & RECOMMENDED OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS Sodium Acetate is non-hazardous 3. PHYSICAL DATA Specific Gravity (Hg0...
Understand your MSDS with the MS-Demystifier Search ALL our MSDS info ChemicalEnsure a safe workplace with antislip floor marking signs from Safety Emporium.DefinitionAs a noun, the common definition of chemical is a substance that is produced or used in a process (reaction) involving changes ...
Take a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of the chemical, if it is readily available. 1. Which of the following situation can be classified as a simple spill? A. Some spilled liquid causes a fire in the building. B. Yellow and green gases are leaking from the storage room. C. An ...
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS), or Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), is a standardized document that contains crucial occupational safety and health information. It is mandated by theInternational Hazard Communication Standard (HCS). According to this standard, chemical manufacturers must communicate the...