Chemical compositionIonizationLuminosityTelevision systemsMagnitudeOn the bases of results simultaneous photographic and radio echo observations, the results complex radar and television observations of meteors and also results of laboratory modeling of processes of a luminescence and ionization, correlation ...
Experimental/ meteorites meteoroids/ meteoroid group chemical composition meteorite AD 1812 to 1995 H chondrite contemporary meteoroid stream petrography cluster grouping trace element season U Au Co Sb Ga Rb Ag Se Cs Te Zn Cd Bi Tl In/ A9650M Meteorites, micrometeorites A9650K Meteors, showers ...
As long as quantum effects open the possibilities of various low temperature chemical conversions it seemed to be of interest to calculate the equilibrium composition of cold interstellar dust grains. In fact, there was no need to take into account the entropy in such calculations, there were ...
Meteorites, meteors, meteoroidsOur Sun and planetary system were born about 4.5 billion years ago. How did this happen, and what is the nature of our heritage from these early times? This review tries to address these questions from an astrochemical point of view. On the one hand, we ...
meteorsmeteoroidsA review of the current knowledge of physical properties and chemical compositionof meteoroids entering the Earth's atmosphere is presented. Meteoroid penetration ability, abla-tion coefficients, beginning heights, light curves, fragmentation, and spectra are considered. Theinferred bulk ...
aerosol compositionstratospheremeteorsRecent instrumentation can distinguish various types of aerosol particles in the stratosphere and determine their relative abundance. In the background lower stratosphere between major volcanic eruptions, most particles are either relatively pure sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid...
This might be tested by elemental composition measurements on cometary meteors.doi:10.1007/s11038-007-9214-yGeorge James FlynnspEarth Moon & PlanetsFlynn G. J. 2008. Physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties of Comet 81P/Wild 2 particles collected by Stardust. Earth, Moon, and Planets ...