The physical and chemical properties of human sweat and factors affecting the water balance in confined spaces Final report, 1 Jul. 1965 - 30 Jun. 1968CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONGLANDS (ANATOMY)PERSPIRATIONPHYSIOCHEMISTRYWATER BALANCEBODY FLUIDSCHOLINERGICSSKIN (ANATOMY)...
Corrosion of metals by human sweat and its prevention An optimum reduction will be obtained by a suitable combination of preventive measures determined by economic, personal, production and technical factors. A brief survey is given of the chemical composition of sweat and its corrosivity, ... Sven...
The chemical composition of exhaled breath was examined for volatile organic compound (VOC) indicators of sexual arousal in human beings. Participants (12-male, 12-female) were shown a randomized series of three emotion-inducing 10-min film clips intersp
Chemical ingredients of the human body Oxygen 65% Sulfur 0.3 Carbon 18.5 Sodium 0.2 Hydrogen 9.5 Chlorine 0.2 Nitrogen 3.2 Magnesium 0.1 Calcium 1.5 Iodine 0.1 Phosphorous 1.0 Iron 0.1 Potassium 0.4 Everything else 0.1“Everything else” is aluminum, boron, chromium, cobalt, copper, fluorine, ...
Chemical Composition of Scent Marks in the Ringtailed Lemur (Lemur catta): Glandular Differences, Seasonal Variation, and Individual Signatures The apocrine and sebaceous scent glands of ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) appear to serve different social functions. In behavioral experiments, lemurs mo......
Dermcidin-1L (human) 具有抗菌活性,可杀害大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、粪肠球菌(Enterococcus faecalis) 和白色念珠菌。Dermcidin-1L (human) 可用于炎症性皮肤病的研究。 Dermcin-1L (human) is an antibiotic peptide secreted by sweat glands, consisting of 48 amino acids. It is transported by sweat to ...
In the present study, we investigated to what extent the chemical composition of Barbary macaque body odor is related to socially relevant traits and might thus have the potential to convey social information. Our analyses support the existence of individual odor signatures, while support for kin od...
chemical composition of skin odors, and various sampling methods have been used for this purpose. The literature shows that the chemical profile of skin volatiles varies greatly among studies, and the use of different sampling procedures is probably responsible for some of these variations. To our ...
select article An easy and effective strategy to design a composition in the vicinity of triple point for high energy density in dielectric ceramics Research articleAbstract only An easy and effective strategy to design a composition in the vicinity of triple point for high energy density in dielect...
41 demonstrated a wearable patch that can simultaneously track levels of metabolites and electrolytes in human sweat. However, electrophysiology sensors were not included, and such multimodal sensor fusion is crucial to obtain a more comprehensive knowledge about a wearer’s well-being. Here, we ...