Chemical products including chemical structures, generic, molecular formulas, systematic, common, and trade names. The CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Registry Number (Cas No or Cas Number) is a unique identifier.You can search the Chemical compounds's
Search on CAS registry numbers, chemical names or name fragments. Database Highlights A free and convenient way to get physical and chemical information on a specific chemical. Information on over 1,800,000 substances, including almost all chemicals in commerce. ...
CA登记号CAS Registry Number注:美国化学文摘登记号 参考文献Literature References注:查询涉及的参考文献(大于3个字符) 药理活性Keywords注:查询药理活性分类(大于3个字符) 用途Usages注:大于3个字符 治疗分类Therapeutic Category注:大于3个字符 分子式Molecular Formula如:C16H21N7O7S3,C17H15N3O6. ...
*Search by chemical name,CAS registry number,RTECS number,etc. 左匹配查询 智能查询(如CAS、RTECS、通用名、化学名等) 数据库说明:本数据库为化学品毒性数据库,收载约 15万 个化合物(包括大量化学药物)的有关毒理方面的数据,如急性毒性、长期毒性、遗传毒性、致癌与生殖毒性及刺激性数据等,并提供数据来源。
CAS No., MDL No., EINECS number (European chemicals ID), English product name, product synonyms into one textbox via computer aided when searching an substance. This improvement makes the work more efficiency for chemical industry personnel to find useful information and the corresponding vendors ...
Search, Free Inquiry, Enhanced encyclopedia. MOLBASE is one of the largest integrated platforms for chemical e-commerce.
*Search by chemical name,CAS registry number,RTECS number,etc. 左匹配查询 智能查询(如CAS、RTECS、通用名、化学名等) 数据库说明:本数据库为化学品毒性数据库,收载约 15万 个化合物(包括大量化学药物)的有关毒理方面的数据,如急性毒性、长期毒性、遗传毒性、致癌与生殖毒性及刺激性数据等,并提供数据来源。
ChemCheck( is a free online search system launched by REACH24H Consulting Group. It enables you to check by entering the CAS number or chemical name if your chemical substances are listed in the substance inventories of different countries and regions. You can also ge...
a. In our chemical dictionary page, you can search by chemical name or CAS number. In addition to these two methods, you can also search by structural formula on our structural search page. In addition to the ability to input structures yourself, the platform also supports conversion to ...
CAS No.或者 CAS#是指 chemical abstract services,CAS Number是一个索引号,一个产品对应一个号码.用于定位正确的产品,避免同一产品不同的称呼产生理解误差.CAS NO美国化学文摘的登记号,美国化学文摘简称CA出运危品的话需要这个,是物质的理化常数的其中一项....