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When molecular transitions strongly couple to photon modes, they form hybrid light-matter modes called polaritons. Collective vibrational strong coupling is a promising avenue for control of chemistry, but this can be deterred by the large number of quas
The general format for an isotope using this tool is , where X is an elemental symbol, A is the mass number, and Z is the atomic number. The Isotope tool can be used in much the same way as the Superscript and Subscript tools. The problem below asks us to complete the given ...
understand and apply physical and chemical concepts over extensive orders of magnitude in length-scale (and often time-scale). For example, understanding the atomic-level (sub-nm) details of charge absorption and separation, the multi-nanometer concepts of phase segregation or charge diffusion, and...
Therefore, when the reduction time was shortened to 12 min, the H2 yield of spinel exceeded that of iron oxide, illustrating that spinel was suitable for chemical looping hydrogen generation. However, Fe was separated in the form of iron oxide after a number of cycles, causing the spinel ...
However, a thorough atomic-level understanding of structural and electronic properties of the isolated, single active metal sites (CUS and mCUS) as well as the structure–activity relationship continues to be a major challenge; many crucial issues remain unanswered. This lack of information is due ...
Separate distributions are shown for the entire dataset (15,713 entries), the closed-shell MOFs (12,169 entries), and the open-shell MOFs (3,544 entries). Open-shell character is defined here as having a DDEC6 atomic spin density with a magnitude greater than 0.1. A box plot, showing...
Metallic element of atomic number 29, group IB of the periodic table, aw 63.546, valences 1, 2; two stable isotopes. General Description Reddish lustrous malleable odorless metallic solid. Air & Water Reactions Solid pieces are very slowly oxidized by air to give a green basic carbonate. Solid...
Engineered CRISPR-OsCas12f1 and RhCas12f1 with robust activities and expanded target range for genome editing. Nat. Commun. 14, 2046 (2023). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Wu, Z. et al. Programmed genome editing by a miniature CRISPR-Cas12f nuclease. Nat. Chem. Biol....
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