ChemicalExamination ofUrine RickiOttenMT(ASCP) 1 Objectives:•Reviewtheobjectivesonpage1and2ofthelecturehandout •Objectivesmarkedwith‘*’willnotbetestedoverduringstudentlabrotation 2 HistoricalPerspective:Urinalysis •Physicalexaminationofurine –Odor–Taste–Color–Clarity 3 Historical...
With these guidelines, the Intersociety Urinalysis Group (GIAU) aims to stimulate the following aspects: A) improvement and standardization of the analytical approach to physical, chemical and morphological urine examination (ECMU); b) to emphasize the value added to ECMU by automated analyzers for ...
As a solitary species reliant on chemical communication, the giant panda makes a good model to examine the role of microbiota in odorant biosynthesis. Pandas deploy urine and secretions from a specialized gland (anogenital gland secretions, AGS; Supplementary Fig. S1) to signal individual identity,...
BPA was measured in spot urine samples collected from pregnant women and children at ages 5 and 9 years as part of the CHAMACOS study. Results indicated that prenatal urinary BPA concentrations were negatively associated with BMI at 9 years of age in girls but not boys. Urinary BPA concentratio...
Electrophoresis of serum and urine, coupled with free LC analysis, identified a clone in every case. Patients with crystalline and non-crystalline conditions presented with similar clinical symptoms. Based on chronic kidney disease as the sole cause, coupled with a complete hematological assessment, ...
Kumpulainen, J.: Determination of chromium in human milk and urine by graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 113, 355 (1980). CAS Google Scholar Kuratsune, M.: Epidemiologic studies on Yusho. In K. Higuchi (ed.): PCB poisoning and pollution, p. 9. Tokyo: Ko...
Although ortho-phthalates are quickly eliminated from the body, most Americans tested have ortho-phthalates metabolites in their urine daily due to their widespread presence in food, cosmetics, household products, and other sources. In 2008, the US Congress passed the CPSIA giving CPSC authority to...
Typically, a microliter of liquid urine extract is automatically injected into the injector, a chamber at a high temperature. The sample is vaporized and swept along a hair-thin glass tube (capillary column, many meters long, flexible enough to be rolled up in a coil) by a carrier gas (...
A new artificial urine protocol to better imitate human urine. Sci. Rep. 9, 20159 (2019). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Fernández-García, M. et al. Comprehensive examination of the mouse lung metabolome following Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection using a multiplatform mass...
BPA was measured in spot urine samples collected from pregnant women and children at ages 5 and 9 years as part of the CHAMACOS study. Results indicated that prenatal urinary BPA concentrations were negatively associated with BMI at 9 years of age in girls but not boys. Urinary BPA concentratio...