ChemAxon在为生物科技,制药及农用化学品产业提供化学信息软件研发平台及应用上是一个行业领先者。其在结构可视化,搜索和管理,性能预测,虚拟合成,筛选和药物设计上拥有核心能力,专注于同用户和软件可移植性的积极互动,创造强大并且经济的平台解决方案和程序界面,实现更为有效的现代化学信息学和化学交流。 综合分子模拟平台...
Discover why over 1 million scientists, academics and researchers use our tools to streamline their workflows and power their scientific breakthroughs.
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Key aspects of the representation of chemical structures in Chemaxon’s core. Licensing Read more about detailed instructions of licensing Chemaxon products. Legal documents A collection of policies, agreements and terms of use. Input & Output System ...
Integrations by Chemaxon Chemaxon JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge is a data analysis tool that helps customers in scientific fields create, manage, and analyze chemical structures and related non-chemical data. Scientists can leverage the visualization capabilities offered to perform analysis and derive the ...
Scientific curiosity, customer collaboration, and technical innovation are all part of Chemaxon’s DNA.
Chemaxon is a cheminformatics company that operates in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. The company offers software development platforms that facilitate the drawing and viewing of chemical structures, management and search of compounds, performance of various calculations and predictions, and...
简介:Chemaxon 是一家领先的化学信息学公司,为生命科学、生物技术、农用化学品、新材料、教育和其他研究行业的化学实体提供平台、应用程序和解决方案。其产品和服务有助于捕获和处理化学信息,从而增加其价值,并为生命科学和其他研发环境提供更有效的决策。
ChemAxon/marvin-examples’s past year of commit activity TypeScript0Apache-2.0000UpdatedNov 13, 2024 chem-manPublic design-hub-kubernetes-examplePublic cchecker-knime-nodePublic knime node for compliace checker chemts-knime-nodePublic People
Chemaxon是一家专注于化学和生物信息学领域超过25年的生命科学软件公司,始终致力于提供化学和生物信息学解决方案,帮助企业药物研发人员更加有效的管理和利用研发数据,降低研发成本和风险,加快药物研发进程。 上海康昱盛自2015年开始成为Chemaxon的合作伙伴,为中国用户提供Chemaxon产品全方位的咨询、技术支持和定制化信息学研发...